Welcome new users -- introduce yourself.

Started by Computer Hope Admin, April 07, 2007, 07:26:37 PM

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First Name? Clayton
Do you have pets  Not at the moment.
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? As many as I can manage.
How many computers do you own? More than I have hands to operate them.
What is your favorite color? Black
What kind of music do you like? Just about everything, but Classic Rock is my favorite.
What are your goals? Escaping reality.
Who are your heroes? My Parents, primarily.
What kind of sports are you into? Fencing and Paintball
Do you have any piercings? Just an ear.
Left hand or right handed? Decidedly southpaw.
Any tattoo's? Not yet.
What is your favorite website? www.noaa.org
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? Until recently, re-playing Morrowind.  Assassin's Creed and Fallout 3.
Married? Yes.
Have kids? No.
What languages do you speak? English and Gibberish.  Do cornball Irish and Scots accents count?
How many keys are on your keyring? More than I care for.
What is your favorite beverage? Coffee or Whisky or Rum.  Or Coffee AND Whisky or Rum.
What is your hair color? Brown.


You can't fix Stupid!!!



First Name?Bunex
Do you have pets?Yes, a dog named FRANCES.
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? Maybe just 5 to 9 hrs ;D
How many computers do you own? None actually, but am using my sisters computer at the moment O:)
What is your favorite color? The one and only - BLUE
What kind of music do you like? Anything that gets me up and shaking
What are your goals?  ??? My goal is to become a proffessional computer user ;)
Who are your heroes? My Family
What kind of sports are you into? Volleyball, Netball, Soccer and Touch-rugby ( i'm da most active in our family) ^-^
Do you have any piercings? No
Left hand or right handed? Right handed
Any tattoo's? NO!!
What is your favorite website? WikiAnswers.com
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? nO
Have kids?no
What languages do you speak?English, Fijian and some Hindi basics
How many keys are on your keyring?2
What is your favorite beverage? H2O
What is your hair color? Black


First Name? Roger
Do you have pets? 4 dogs
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 6-12
How many computers do you own? 1
What is your favorite color?  depends on what used for
What kind of music do you like? almost all, prefer50's-70's
What are your goals?  serve God
Who are your heroes?  Wife, Glen Beck, American people,
What kind of sports are you into?  at my age, waking up in the morning
Do you have any piercings?  no
Left hand or right handed?  right
Any tattoo's?  no
What is your favorite website? like too many to have a favorite
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones?  cards
Married?  yes
Have kids?  3
What languages do you speak? english
How many keys are on your keyring? 2
What is your favorite beverage?
What is your hair color? white and thin


Quote from: asadullah on March 29, 2010, 12:11:16 PM

b]First Name? Asadullah   
Do you have pets? not yet
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? around 7 hours
How many computers do you own? one only
What is your favorite color? white
What kind of music do you like? romantic
What are your goals? i want to be a software engineer
Who are your heroes? all of my familly members
What kind of sports are you into?wrestling and running
Do you have any piercings?no
Left hand or right handed?right
Any tattoo's?nope
What is your favorite website? computerhope.com
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? IGI game
Married? single
Have kids? no
What languages do you speak?English and persian
How many keys are on your keyring?i dont know please remind me
What is your favorite beverage? 7up and cold water
What is your hair color? black and white

Good night everyone

Actually it is nights time that i have got registered myself to this beneficial website anyway is there anyone to response my questions because i am full of that and i want to take them of..... so thanks again to all of you


First Name? - Imran
Do you have pets? - Nope
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? - About 8 hours maybe more
How many computers do you own? - just the 1
What is your favorite color? - Blue or Black
What kind of music do you like? - Any but mostly Rock music
What are your goals? - to achieve A IT career
Who are your heroes? - Hideo Kojima and Remi Gaillard
What kind of sports are you into? - Football/Soccer
Do you have any piercings? - Nope
Left hand or right handed? - Right handed
Any tattoo's? - Nope
What is your favorite website? - www.smallworlds.com, www.soccermanager.com, www.facebook.com www.computerhope.com ;D
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? - Not at the moment but i owe A PS1, PS2, Nitendo wii, Gamecube, X Box 360,
Married? - Nope
Have kids? - Nope
What languages do you speak? - Just English
How many keys are on your keyring? - None
What is your favorite beverage? - Anything sweet i guess o-0
What is your hair color? - Black

Because you can't spell slaughter without laughter.



Where's MagicSpeed?
Quote from: 'matt'
He's playing a game called IRL. Great graphics, *censored* gameplay.


First Name?  Devon
Do you have pets? a dog
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer?  bahaha far too much. 12+
How many computers do you own?  2: A laptop, and a desktop thats crap so I don't use it
What is your favorite color?  Blue
What kind of music do you like?  Pop/Rock
What are your goals?  Survive?
Who are your heroes?  Hm. Jane Goodall. Why not.
What kind of sports are you into? Sleeping. cause thats totally a sport
Do you have any piercings?  just my ears.
Left hand or right handed?  i'm a righty
Any tattoo's?  nope.
What is your favorite website?  uh. hard question. depends on what for... xkcd's pretty awesome in general
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones?  not frequently.
Married?  I'm in high school, so no
Have kids?  ditto
What languages do you speak?  English, a little Latin, learning French
How many keys are on your keyring?  Just my house key I don't have a car at the moment
What is your favorite beverage?  Creme soda?
What is your hair color?  Brown


First Name?  Mike
Do you have pets?  yes 2 poodles
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer?  4
How many computers do you own?  2
What is your favorite color?  blue
What kind of music do you like?  Any with meaning
What are your goals?  2 b a great dad
Who are your heroes?  My wife heh
What kind of sports are you into?  none I'm fat and out of shape loll
Do you have any piercings?  nope
Left hand or right handed? right handed
Any tattoo's?  yes one on my left ring finger
What is your favorite website?  this one seems to be ran well so mabey this one
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones?  unreal tournament 2004
Married? yes
Have kids?  yes 2
What languages do you speak? English some Spanish
How many keys are on your keyring? loll umm 6
What is your favorite beverage? beer
What is your hair color? brown



I'm a bisquit named mister.

First Name? Isn't this an infringement on an individual's privacy?
Do you have pets? I ate them.
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? I have no concept of time.
How many computers do you own? Does this include cellphones, embedded devices or anything of that nature?
What is your favorite color? The one that doesn't hate me.
What kind of music do you like? mangue, Rock en espanol. brazilian reggae, punk classical, etc. You get the picture
What are your goals? Right now? To pick my nose.
Who are your heroes? No one.
What kind of sports are you into? Nose picking.
Do you have any piercings? Again, a bit too personal. What are you doing with this information?
Are you planning on breaking into our houses?
Left hand or right handed? Unless you're a neuropsychologist, you don't need to know this.
Any tattoo's? You're asking way too much. Aren't you crosing the line into breaking a few laws?
What is your favorite website? None
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? Nope
Married? What is this information for? Are you selling it?
Have kids? Why do you want to know?
What languages do you speak? Three.
How many keys are on your keyring? Planning on stealing something from me?
What is your favorite beverage? whatever I am drinking
What is your hair color? You're pushing the line into identity theft here.



First Name? Monte
Do you have pets? A Dog
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 6-8
How many computers do you own? 6 but 3 are so out of date they need a new OS
What is your favorite color? Red
What kind of music do you like?Most except Rap
What are your goals? To have enough money to retire
Who are your heroes? Dirk Pitt
What kind of sports are you into? Motorcycling, camping, bicycling, reading
Do you have any piercings? Not intentionally
Left hand or right handed? Right
Any tattoo's? Only one plus some road tattoos (Ouch)
What is your favorite website? any that supplies me with information (I forget a lot of stuff now-a-days  :))
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones?Sewer Run, Acid Factory, pool
Have kids?6 all out of the house  ;D
What languages do you speak? English and Pigeon German
How many keys are on your keyring?Which one - I have 5 but usually only carry one of them depending on what I am going to be doing.
What is your favorite beverage?Sun Tea
What is your hair color?  ??? Blond/grey/brown???


First Name? Bruce, but this is sort of two people - the J refers to my wife JoAnn
Do you have pets? yes, two cats
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? from zero to 12
How many computers do you own? between us, we have three laptops; this one used to be mine and it was Vista  :( now it's hers and it's Windows 7  :) ; she also has an older one, which she took to school with her tonight, and I have my own, too
What is your favorite color? was blue for a long time, but I'm getting really turned onto red lately
What kind of music do you like? classical and neoclassical; some country
What are your goals? to live to see my grandchildren
Who are your heroes? the Archangel Michael
What kind of sports are you into? hmmm..... soccer, football, hockey; I don't play any of these any more, just watch and dream
Do you have any piercings? no
Left hand or right handed? right
Any tattoo's? no
What is your favorite website?
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? Tetris, Bejeweled, JewelQuest, Freecell
Married? yes
Have kids? 2
What languages do you speak? English; studied French and German, but "speaking them?"
How many keys are on your keyring?
What is your favorite beverage?
What is your hair color? something like a dark blond, turning gray/white


First Name? james, jaco to my friends (feel free)
Do you have pets? i have a bunch of dust bunnies, i don't feed them but they keep reproducing
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 8-10
How many computers do you own? 2
What is your favorite color? black & shades of blue
What kind of music do you like? all types except hardcore rap
What are your goals? to live happily ever after
Who are your heroes? myself on a good day, but usually my wife
What kind of sports are you into? the sweaty kinds
Do you have any piercings? no
Left hand or right handed? depends on what i'm doing
Any tattoo's? no
What is your favorite website? have lots, but computer hope is now one of the top ones
Playing any computer or console games if so which ones? not really
Married? yes
Have kids? no
What languages do you speak? english and some spanish
How many keys are on your keyring? 2
What is your favorite beverage? coke, 7-up & ginger ale, as long as they're diluted w/some al-co-hol
What is your hair color? salt-n-pepa