Problems going online - low bytes received

Started by cherry6, October 30, 2004, 05:45:03 AM

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This is probably going to sound like a dumb question but its driving me nuts. Recently (started 2 days ago) I started having problems getting online. I am with Bigpond dial up and normally access the web 3 times a day to check emails and look at ebay etc. But now every time I go online I get nothing. Every link I type comes up 'Page cannot be displayed', and OE cant access any new emails. When I check the Bigpond status it says there is a connection but the bytes received is very low, about 250, compared to over a 1000 transmitted. I have to come off the internet, clear all cookies/cache and then go back online. Each time I do this its fine, until the next time I go online.
Any answers what is causing this, when its been fine previously? Its costing me a fortune to keep dialling up and its pain in the rear to clear cache etc 3 times a day.
I am on XP, using Explorer 6.

By the way Bigpond said that its not the server when I rang them, they said I needed to clear the cache which has obviously been done but its not the solution long term!

Any help appreciated!!


Scan for Trojan Horses, Spyware and Viruses.


are you using any p2p this a 56k modem...first check is what raptor has said..then download window washer from if you can ...and set it to clean up after using the net. and have a look in the events viewer admin tools ...error log to see if it tells you more...


OK I am on 56k modem, although Bigpond normally connects at 46-50.
Ran spyware detector, no trojans or spyware (apart from a bit of adware). Ran Panda active scan, no viruses. I have Norton already installed, firewall and AV so am protected. I have downloaded window washer, and will be using that.
Sorry to sound dumb, what is p2p? Not sure if I have that. Also what should I be looking for in the error log as it all looks foreign to me.
Also, dont know if this is connected to the problem or not, but the day previous to all this starting on my pc I used the remote control feature to access my mums pc in the UK as she has had problems and I was trying to sort them out, also she took control of my pc for a short time.
Any ideas?


Also when I go online and it has this problem, I try pinging Bigpond but it wont work, even though Bigpond says I have a connection  ???

Tried running the window washer when I came offline earlier, still had problems going back online later in the day. Wouldnt let me access until I had done the cache and cookies again  :'(


p2p= programs like kazza blubster... peer to peer...

quote> i used the remote control feature to access my mums pc in the UK ..cherry6
have you disable the rats<remote access transfer system> download this> if you could also try a repair of ie6 control panel add/remove click the ie6 program a splash screen should appear..and chose the repair option..


No p2p programs, no.

Sorry how do I find if I have disabled RATS  :-[


untick the remote access box>  if this fails to sort your problem....options are re-boot pc and keep tapping the f8 on boot and chose the last is your firewall configured...this will stop all net use if its not set-up properly...


Just wanted to say thanks for your help, I have managed to get online with no probs for the last 2 days. Whether it was the RATS or the Window washer that sorted it I dont know, but thanks anyway!!  ;D