Two operating systems

Started by alyoob, December 09, 2007, 02:44:33 PM

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Is it possible to have Windows xp home installed and windows xp professional also installed on the same computer. If so can I install windows xp professionals without losing any data in my windows xp home operating system.


I see why not.  I've installed Vista on one drive partition and XP on another.  Once you've partitioned the disks it should be pretty easy.  See Vista/XP Dual Booting procedures and my last post.


will i lose anything from my windows xp home operating sytem if i install another operating system example files stored ect..


Quote from: alyoob on December 09, 2007, 03:06:04 PM
will i lose anything from my windows xp home operating sytem if i install another operating system example files stored ect..

Not as long as you install XP Pro on a different partition.


can i use Microsoft virtual pc



What exactly are you wanting to accomplish here ? ?
Without specifics it's hard to advise.
All the things you stated can be done....the "why" determines which would be the best choice...
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