Installshield Update Manager

Started by pepper, September 07, 2008, 10:04:42 AM

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An icon appeared on my task bar for Installshield Update Manager.  I didn't download it.  I want to uninstall it.  Is there any removal tools out there for this unwanted program?


This software came bundled with your computer.

It provides an easy way to update the software on your computer that uses it...

If you uninstall it, you will have to manually update the software that uses this program.  However, if that's what you want to do...just locate the software in Add/Remove Programs...and uninstall it.

Be warned...those programs which use the software to update...will not be able to automatically update...after removal.


Carbon Dudeoxide

I would advise against removing it.

You can make it disappear from the Taskbar by Right Clicking an empty space in the Taskbar, go to Properties, and then Customize.
