Computer will not load xp/safemode/recovery

Started by wildtrix, July 22, 2009, 12:50:42 PM

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Hello, as the subject says my computer will not load the OS.

EDIT: amd 64 athalon x2 2.2ghz
HP a1350n
3gig RAM dual channel(DDR) 2x 512mb(samsung) 2x 1gig(PNY)
Windows XP SP3
320gig Sata master, 120gig IDE Slave
HP DVDrw740 + DVD
ATI x1600 pro 512m video card
cant find mobo spec but its an asus

Problem explained: Restarted computer, when the screen for windows xp with loading bar came up it froze. now, it didnt completely come up either, it was very dim as if it was about to come up then froze during the process. Did a hard reset and tried safe mode, safe mode did not load either, it froze during the drivers. Recover does not load, it freezes during the "please wait" after it says loading recovery.

Ive swapped out the RAM, halved it. took off my slave drive, reset my bios. taken out the battery reset the bios again. cleaned the RAM with a lint free static free cloth. nothing. I took out the HDD from my wifes pc and tried to run windows. nothing, in fact with her HDD it restarts itself no matter what option i pick. I cannot try my HDD on her box because her mobo does not support sata.

i really dont know what else to do now, i cannot log onto PC to get any specs off it so... all i have is what i can see in the box. can take pics if needed. currently on my laptop.

thanks in advance.


If you open the case you can find the name of the Motherboard, it should be around the area where you add the video card, sound card, network card, etc..

JJ 3000

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You can't swap an XP HDD from another machine into another and expect it to boot properly...
There may be nothing wrong with that machine.
I suspect HDD issues with the original drive.
To confirm this DLoad the diagnostics from the drive manuf. site and follow the info on creating a bootable the long test and post your results...
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


Quick Test resulted in no errors

Full scan yielded the same result.

a usefull tidbit of info i forgot to post was that i restarted my computer because norton 360 (paid version) told me that i turned it off. so i restarted in an effort to get it started again.


i dont have an XP CD, only a Recovery Partition.

which is why i stated that my recovery does not load.


JJ 3000

Put the hard drive back into the computer that it came from and then try a reapair.

Download Windows Recovery Console:
Download, and install free Imgburn:
Using Imgburn, burn rc.iso to a CD.
Boot to the CD...let it finish loading.
When the "Welcome to Setup" screen appears, press R to start the Recovery Console.
Then, follow the steps from here:, starting below this picture on the first page:

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now theres something ive been looking for. For some reason i couldnt load Linux from a boot CD.

gonna try out recovery from CD. gettin tired so may get some sleep if it dont work and try again in the morning

JJ 3000

Save a Life!
Adopt a homeless pet.


kk, cannot run recovery console from a boot cd either, freezes in the same area as if im running from partition.

can someone please help me? is there a way to test my motherboard?


DLoad and run MemTest to test the RAM...
I'm still not convinced it's the MBoard.
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


i swapped out all my ram to my wifes computer, everything runs great. ran memtest off of UBCD and no problems either.