Computer will not load xp/safemode/recovery

Started by wildtrix, July 22, 2009, 12:50:42 PM

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i have managed to get it into safe mode once. i ran chkdsk, it deleted a bunch of index files but said no errors. couldnt /r so i had to schedule chkdsk on reboot. was afraid if i restarted i couldnt get it running again, and as i thought i havent been able to get it into safe mode or boot windows since then. also i had a HDD laying around from an old computer. i managed to get that into safe mode 2 or 3 times by letting it sit there trying to load drivers.

I cannot load Linux from a boot disc. it freezes while loading as well. I cannot run Recovery Console from a boot disc, it freezes while "loading windows".  i can get UBCD running. so any test on that that you need results from just let me know as i can fun just about everything i think, i just dont know what most of the utilities do. Also ive run diagostics on the HDD, they came up with 0 errors.

also i found a windows xp upgrade CD that i had, that freezes during its recovery console as well.


It's now sounding more and more like a board issue...
Is there a card modem installed ? ? and or a network card ? ?

If so remove both and see if the issues dissappear.
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "

JJ 3000

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i hardly think its the sata cable as my wifes hdd and the older hdd that i did get running (in safe mode) are both using IDE. and i HAVE gotten my HDD booted once... but only in safe mode.

there is an on board nic, a 56k card, the ethernet is onboard. i can try taking off the dail up, ill do that now, but will that really help? i only ask because theres been no change to that nor has it been used EVER.

anyway checking now...

didnt make sense lol


ok, pulling out that 56k modem worked....

can you explain to me why that was the problem? i ran chkdsk, nothing came up. gonna do a full system scan with norton 360.

but i am interested to know why that old card would be a problem


If the card had developed a crack in the ground loop it could cause a cascading effect.  Or maybe a defect on a chip decided that it just wouldn't get along with anything else in the case.
Evil is an exact science.


Often times the modem card is the first component to take the hit if an electrical spike occurs...
This can prevent the machine from booting properly...i've seen it before.

Great to hear you are fixed up !
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


ive been gettin errors and i blue screened last night cuz my pc restarted and i got a message saying that i blue screened.

i just got an error on start up saying

ccSvcHst.exe - Application Error

The instruction at "0x6718bed3" referenced memory at "0x9a17f55". The memory could not be "written".

Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program

also, my usb mouse is no longer working... not sure how to fix that.


i had gotten a message saying i should update my drivers...

but when i go to device manager i get a Microsoft Management Console error.

ive also been getting explorer.exe errors


also, another update...

ran a full system scan no results.

one of my programs isnt running anymore im gonna try a fresh install, program is Network Magic.

aso, theres a windows error sound that occasionally goes off, but no message or menu or anything pops up.


now everytime a driver is updated im getting a message saying its not windows signed or something, ill update with exact message soon as i see it again...

i was reinstalling my video drivers


the message is...

The software you are installing for this hardware:

Radeon X1600/x1650 Series

Has not passed Windows Logo testing to verifty its compatibility with windowsxp

Continuing this installation of this software may impair or destabilize the correct operation of your system either immediately or in the future. microsoft strongly recommends that you stop this installation now and contact the hardware vendor for software that has passed windows logo testing.

continue anyway / STOP installation

thats the message, but its not just for that card, its for any driver thats been updated so far. my usb mouse for instance, had the same message pop up.


ok, so i figured f**k it, ill just reinstall windows.

so now... i got nothing, after the initial black screen that shoes bios or w/e it goes dark, and everything stops

i can get to the safe mode menu, but nothings loading after that...

jeeze... i just cant win


right, so my new problem is....

my computer restarts after the windows loading screen, it restarts during the safe mode process, and i sometimes get an error....

WIndows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

patio this after the XP reinstall ? ?
What kind of XP CD is this...a Sharpie version ? ?
" Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. "


i reinstalled windows xp using my recovery partition. i was getting alot of errors so i figured i may as well just reinstall since everything working again.

so i rebooted, F10 to enter Recovery. Did a format + fresh install from Recovery. i did not have Disks as HP doesnt give them, just partitions.

afterwards i cannot get into Windows, the windows loading screen comes up, then when it goes away what usually happens is about 1-2 seconds of black, then the welcome screen comes up. but whats happening now is the load screen goes away, then .5 to 1 seconds later my computer reboots. i cant get into safe mode either as it reboots before it starts up.

i can still get into recovery, but reinstalling again isnt doing anything. when i click on use last good settings, takes me to a new screen that says something about selecting a hardware profile. i select to use default (only option) and then it gives me the message i stated above.

gah... this is turning into a real nightmare  :-\