Can't Access My External Hard Drive

Started by zcook, July 28, 2009, 11:05:21 AM

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My PC would not boot because it was missing the NTLDR or NT Loader, so I tried the standard repair console and copying the ntldr from my windows XP CD and it would not copy it. At this point I just switch out the C: Drive with another and reinstalled Windows XP on it. Now Windows is working fine, but I thought I would just put the old C: drive with XP and all my data on it in a external HD case and access like an external hard drive. I t does show up and it reads the properties,  but when I try to open it it says can not access the external drive. Is there anyway or any program that will allow me to access the drive without reformatting it? Thanks for your help.


Please post the exact message displayed.

If the message indicates that file access is denied try taking ownership of the folders/files.

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