Westell 327W assigning wrong IP address

Started by Windows98, February 11, 2010, 08:27:03 PM

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Hey everyone I have a weird problem that I can not seem to figure out and can not seem to find a solution for.

My problem: The problem is every time I turn on a computer, my router a westell 327w gives all my computer the following settings: These are the wrong settings and no where in my router are these numbers even mention..

QuoteIP address: <- I have no idea why this specific IP address!
Ip address:

Warning: Ip address conflict it is currently in use.

The router assigns every computer I turn on this IP setting. I check the DCHP and no where does it even mention these settings. I know my router works because every computer I have on can still use the internet fine.. My router is not providing my computers with the right settings!

The right settings that are listed on the router is:
QuoteIP address: 192.168.1.xx
Subnet mask:
IP address:

The only way I can fix this is either
A)  manually assign the settings, which I should not have to do in TC/IP settings
B) Shutdown the router, unplug and turn it back on and have every computer that is on get a new IP address.
C) Keep the computer on 24/7

I have tried to restore the router back to factory settings, reset the router and it did not fix the problem at all. It will still give computers that are turn on the 5.100.xx.xx IP address

What I have found is that the router does not free up the IP address when a computer disconnect. The computer does not acquire a new IP address when its in use so it gets that useless 5.100.xx.xxx IP address.

Also why that specific Ip address? Out of every Ip address why an Ip address that does not exist? :-\

I also looked at the logs of the router and it is not indicating any error or problems so this one has me stumped..


Are you using the latest firmware version available for your router?


Verizon flashed my firmware a few years ago without my knowledge. I still don't know how they did that with remote access disabled and firewall set at medium status: (Lock all but basic ports, but allows manual open ports)

I was just surfing the Internet one day and then I lost connection. I checked my router and when I connected to the router, it had a new interface and new setting. I still don't know how they connect to my router and flash without my permission or knowledge.

This problem started happening last week. the week before that it was working fine. i don't know if verizon flashed my router without me knowing again or might firmware suddenly going bad.. I guess I should find the firmware and re-flash it to see what happens.

Could to many computers cause this problem? I have 3 computers on Ethernet and 4 wireless. My Ip assigned range is so 20 internal ip addresses.


If you're going to update the firmware, make sure you install the correct version for your make and model (very important or your router will be broke  ;) )... Make sure it's the latest version as well.. Don't get something outdated, although older firmware versions seemed to have worked better than the latest in some cases..

I'm not so sure it's a problem with the firmware though.. Your router was working and now it is not, it's likely some other problem, but using the latest firmware never hurts..


1.  DHCP Server Detection.  You could download and run Microsoft's "Rogue DHCP Server Detection" (RogueChecker.exe).  See what DHCP servers it detects, and where they live (DHCP server IPv4 address).

I believe it requires Windows XP operating system (or newer).

2.  Router.  Which Westell 327W do you have?
     o  B90-327W15-06
     o  C90-327W30-06
     o  D90-327W11-06
     o  D90-327W15-06
     o  D90-327W61-06


Quote from: dahlarbear on February 12, 2010, 02:01:07 AM
"Rogue DHCP Server Detection"

I myself thought it could be a malware issue in the router, but I've never encountered a problem like this so I wasn't sure what to think


Hi to provide an update. I re-flashed my firmware on my router and it is still assigning bad DCPH settings. It is still giving me the 5.100.xx.xxx Ip addresses.

My router is A90-327W15-06

Here are some pics on my settings and what it is picking up. According to this it is picking up a 5.100 as a DCPH setting.. I don't know where this setting is located though I looked through the entire router setting and can't find it anywhere.

The only thing that uses the 5.xxx.xxx.xxx IP address in the house is Hamachi LAN and those use Subnet mask of The router is currently affecting all computers, those with and without Hamachi

I got my firmware here:

It is the latest one 4.4.3, so I am at a total lost, where can this 5.xxx.xx setting be?

[Saving space, attachment deleted by admin]


1.  It appears to be originating from your use of "Hamachi".  From plugin-Hamachi_User_Manual.pdf:
Every Hamachi client has one virtual IP address in the 5.x.x.x range.

2.  Do you have a "" Hamachi address on your network?

3.  If you disconnect cable on WAN side of router (keeping LAN side connectivity) and reboot your machines, do they still pick up the Hamachi addresses?  This would prevent communication with any external DHCP server.

Then release the IP address and reboot?  This would remove any "cached" assigned IP address.

You may have to include a "connection" name on the command (wildcard "?" and "*" characters may be used).  Use "ipconfig /?" to get help on the command syntax, and "ipconfig /release" to release the current leased address.


1.  I believe the "router" is OK.  It would not be assigning IPv4 addresses outside the range you've configured it for.  You need to look at Hamachi and how you have it configured.  Getting IPv4 addresses within their assignment range (and "public" to boot) would be too much of a coincidence for Hamachi not to be involved.

2.  If your computers are set to automatically get TCP/IP parameters upon boot, they broadcast a DHCP request onto your local area network.  (Normally these broadcast requests will not pass through the router.)  Your computer is going to accept TCP/IP configuration parameters from the first DHCP server to respond.  Normally, the closest one responds first (because, well - it's closer).

3.  Your IP addresses are "apparently" being assigned by a DHCP server located at IP address "".  This address and the one offered to your computer for use are within the range of "virtual" IP addresses Hamachi uses to establish their Virtual Private Networks (usually used to set up a logical LAN across public network, e.g. Internet).  I don't know if that DHCP server is on your local area network (behind the home router) or across the Internet (through a VPN link you've setup?).

4.  I wouldn't expect your computer to boot directly into a VPN connection.
     a.  What do you use Hamachi for?
     b.  Do you have a Hamachi "client" program scheduled to run at system startup?
     c.  Do you have multiple network connections defined?
     d.  Is one of them set as the "default"?

Big caveat here - I've never used a VPN or Hamachi software...

5.  Simplify the problem domain you're working with to "isolate" the origin of the "" DHCP server.
     a.  Ensure DHCP server function within router is enabled to assign addresses in a range known to you.
     b.  Disconnect cable from WAN side connection of router, so you cannot reach an external DHCP server (off your local area network).
     c.  Reboot one of your computers.
     d.  Are you now getting your TCP/IP configuration parameters from the router?  (An IP address of 169.254.x.x means no DHCP server responded.)

     e.  Disconnect or shutdown all of the computers connected to the LAN side of router (both wired and wireless) except for one to eliminate possibility they are hosting DHCP server.  (Preferably keep computer hard-wired to router.)
     f.  On the lone computer, use "ipconfig /release" or "ipconfig /release *" to release the lease for its current IP address.
     g.  Then try an "ipconfig /renew" to get a new address.
     h.  Are you now getting your TCP/IP configuration parameters from the router?
     i.  If not, release the IP address again.
     j.  Reboot the lone computer.
     k.  Are you now getting your TCP/IP configuration parameters from the router?

     l.  Try a different computer?


4.  I wouldn't expect your computer to boot directly into a VPN connection.
     a.  What do you use Hamachi for?

My brother and I, we use hamachi as a social network in which we can see who is online and set up virtual "LAN" games with each other. This saves us a lot of trouble of always having to configure our firewall and it helps improve connection speed.
 b.  Do you have a Hamachi "client" program scheduled to run at system startup?

Yes, When you install Hamachi it comes with software/client with a Static LAN 5.xxx.xxx.xx IP addresses. That address is how your friends find you and how they can connect to you. When you start your computer that client comes up and the application starts. If a computer does not have hamachi installed there is no secondary network connection setup as a virtual connection ( see image below)

This has never affected every computer or any computer on the network before because it has its own settings configured and the real ethernet card is assigned to get settings from the router.

     c.  Do you have multiple network connections defined?

All computers are set to connect to 1 network. MyHomeNet through the routers IP address of files and printing There is no other network configured)

     d.  Is one of them set as the "default"?

The default connection is Local Area Network 1. Which is the real Ethernet card, its job is to get its settings from the router.

Big caveat here - I've never used a VPN or Hamachi software...

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamachi for more information, the picture on the right is the software/client that a user gets. The white empty field would be your network and your friends with there hamachi ip addresses.

Official website: https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi2/

5.  Simplify the problem domain you're working with to "isolate" the origin of the "" DHCP server.

     a.  Ensure DHCP server function within router is enabled to assign addresses in a range known to you.

I checked and there is Public LAN and private LAN, public is disabled and private is enabled. The screenshot above the (white one) Shows the settings that should be assigning to all computers.

     b.  Disconnect cable from WAN side connection of router, so you cannot reach an external DHCP server (off your local area network).
     c.  Reboot one of your computers.
Ok, I did test it with a computer with and without hamachi and I am getting a disconnect message and unable to connect message. I replugged in the cable and it gave me a hamachi IP address  >:(

     d.  Are you now getting your TCP/IP configuration parameters from the router?  (An IP address of 169.254.x.x means no DHCP server responded.)

     e.  Disconnect or shutdown all of the computers connected to the LAN side of router (both wired and wireless) except for one to eliminate possibility they are hosting DHCP server.  (Preferably keep computer hard-wired to router.)

I shut down all my computers and started them up one at a time. They are still recieving the hamachi LAN DCHP settings, even though the computer itself does NOT have hamachi installed.

     f.  On the lone computer, use "ipconfig /release" or "ipconfig /release *" to release the lease for its current IP address.

I did that and use repair and it is still assigning me that IP address.

     g.  Then try an "ipconfig /renew" to get a new address.
     h.  Are you now getting your TCP/IP configuration parameters from the router?
     i.  If not, release the IP address again.
     j.  Reboot the lone computer.
 k.  Are you now getting your TCP/IP configuration parameters from the router?
I think the router is assigning me this IP still because all the computers were off and I turned one on without hamachi and still got a Hamachi LAN network.

     l.  Try a different computer?

It is wierd because this started happening out of nowhere,(last week) I can not seem to isolate the problem. I rotate between every computer and they are all being assigned that IP address with or without hamachi. No one has access to the router but me and I check the logs and no one but myself has signed in and no configurations seem to have been altered..

The screen shot below is the hamachi LAN settings. the settings are the same for all computers with Hamachi[ the IP is different but the DNS settings and stuff are all the same.
Computers without hamachi are getting hamachi settings.. The screenshots above was from a computer without hamachi installed.

[Saving space, attachment deleted by admin]


1.  Safe Mode.  Boot up one of your computers (Windows XP Pro if you have it) into "Safe Mode".  This should boot a minimal configuration of "services" and "drivers" (hopefully without starting any VPN components).
     a.  Does this computer currently have Hamachi client on it?
     b.  Did it ever have the Hamachi client on it?
     c.  What IP address was assigned (5.x.x.x or 192.168.1.x)?
     d.  What does the routing table look like?
          (1)  To display table use "route print" without quotes from Command Prompt window.  "route print > output.txt" will direct command output into file "output.txt" if you wish to "post" it.
          (2)  Any 5.x.x.x or 192.168.1.x entries?  One or the other or both?

2.  Safe Mode with Networking.  Now try booting the computer into "Safe Mode with Networking".  Any changes.

3.  Normal Mode.  Now boot the computer into "Normal" mode.  Look at the IP address and routing table.  Any changes.

4.  Disconnect WAN Cable.  Earlier when you disconnected WAN cable to ISP and booted up a computer (one with Hamachi, one without); you said:
QuoteI am getting a disconnect message and unable to connect message. I replugged in the cable and it gave me a hamachi IP address.
If you hadn't reconnected the cable, would you have gotten an IP address assigned (169.254.x.x, 192.168.1.x, or 5.x.x.x)?


Im officially annoyed, I have been trying to figure out here this 5.xx is coming from and frankly I think the router is broadcasting ti when it should not be!!

Anyways, I switched from LAN to WAN and I got 169.xx.xxx.xxx Ip addresses. I could not get on the internet or anything but at least when I restarted the computers I got the WAN Ip address.

This is so fustrating.. I think I might just go get a new DSL modem and hope this all goes away. I flashed the router 2x and I even reset to factory default and dispite testing it on 7 COMPUTERS! it is 80/20 80% of getting 5.xx.xxx IP address and 20 of actual getting the right IP address!

Now when I turn off the router and back on not all of them will even get the right IP address! Most will get the right settings but some will get the 5.166.xxx.xx IP address!

If this is happen on 7 computers I know its not the computers that are causing the problem especially since I tested 1 computer at a time.

3x ethernet cable and 4x wireless.


1.  Router.  While it might not be configured correctly, I believe the router itself is OK (functioning as designed).  It is not generating the "5.x.x.x" IP addresses.  I think you want router configured as a "Private LAN".

Earlier I asked you to disconnect WAN cable and reboot a computer.  (I hoped to see what TCP/IP configuration it would assign if unable to reach WAN.)  You replied:
QuoteI did test it with a computer with and without hamachi and I am getting a disconnect message and unable to connect message. I replugged in the cable and it gave me a hamachi IP address

What IP address does it assign when WAN is disconnected?  I would expect either "169.254.x.x" or "192.168.1.x".  If it's not an Hamachi computer, it shouldn't even be trying to access the WAN (unless you have startup configured to access WAN - in which case you should boot to "Safe Mode".)  I think it's either getting the "5.x.x.x" from Hamachi on WAN or an Hamachi configuration file left on the computer.

2.  169.254.x.x Address(es).  These are Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) values assigned by the Windows operating system when it is unable to acquire one from a DHCP server.  They are not assigned by your ISP or router (DHCP server) and they are not routable (hence no Internet access).  See Link-local IPv4 addresses.

3.  Routing Tables.  Look at the routing tables on both the router and your computers.  It would be interesting to see whether the computer's routing table contains entries for an assigned "192.168.1.x" address.  Also take note of any "persistent" routes (which persist through reboots until manually deleted).  From command prompt enter "route print".  Compare routing tables of Hamachi computer (5.x.x.x) and non-Hamachi computer (192.168.1.x).

4.  Reference(s):
     a.  Hamachi Community Forums
     b.  Hamachi:Gaming
     c.  Hamachi is good news for SOHOs, but not so good for the enterprise


I finally found the computer causing this entire issue!!

I disconnected every computer from my router one at a time until to see if one of the computer was causing all this problem and I found it!

It was my folding@home/storage/backup computer:

Intel Pentium 4 1.8Ghz
1 GB DDR 2700
2 x 320 GB HD
1 x 20 GB Maxtor drive

2 x  10/100/1000 Mbps PCI
1 x integrated intel 10/100Mbps

It has 3 Ethernet ports for a total of 3,100 Mbps (theoretic transfer)

Unplugging every computer in the house worked! The problem was all these computers  are workstation computers, those who are connected to the router via Ethernet cable would still be on. If the computer is shut off the Ethernet cards would still be active/communicating with the router. I will switch it so they shut off when the computer shuts off.

This computer was originally used as LAN networking computer and it has all sorts of VPN software installed, I decided to check this computer because it has 3 Ethernet cards 2 PCI and one internal. I had to disconnect all the cables in order for it not to broad cast. If one of them is plugged in it will start giving out the 5.xxx.xxx IP address again.

it did have hamachi installed, however it was using v1.1x and it was never fully configured. I un-install it and any vpn software that is left behind to be on the safe side.

I guess that storm which caused the entire house to lose power somehow messed up the settings on that computer.. I opened it up while servicing and thank goodness I did. I guess that computer was crying for help. The HD was getting hot 50 Celsius one of the fans stopped working. The CPU was getting clogged. I will service it and put it up soon.

Unfortunately this computer has no monitor so I had to go move one of my desktop monitors to it.. I guess I should go work on it. The virus definitions and software are 5 months outdated and I did not install any windows update on it.

At least its not broadcasting 5.xx.xxx.xx anymore. Now it is giving me other issues, but I can fix those slowly. Anyways I'm glad its not the router it was driving me insane!
