Computer history - 1940
Updated: 10/18/2022 by Computer Hope
Computer and technology-related events in 1940
The first handheld two-way radio called the "Handy Talkie" was created by Motorola for the U.S. Army Signal Control.
Computer pioneers born in 1940

Gottfried Ungerboeck was born on March 15, 1940.
Jean Ichbiah was born on March 25, 1940.
Alan Kay was born on May 17, 1940.
Clive Sinclair was born on July 3, 1940.
Tom DeMarco was born on August 20, 1940.
Robert Krakoff was born on October 4, 1940.
John Warnock was born on October 6, 1940.
Gerald Lawson was born on December 1, 1940.