Computer history - 1976
Major computer events in 1976
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak demonstrated the first Apple computer at the Home Brew Computer Club in April 1976. The Apple I had 6502 MOS (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor), 1 MHz processor, 8 kB of onboard memory, and 1 kB of VRAM (Video Random-Access Memory) for $666.66. Below is a picture of an Apple I from an advertisement by Apple.
Hewlett-Packard developed the first inkjet printer in 1976.
New computer products and services introduced in 1976
Intel introduced the 8085 processor in March 1976.
Steve Wozniak designed the first Apple, the Apple I computer, in 1976; later, Wozniak and Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Computers on April Fools' Day.
The first 5.25-inch floppy disk was invented in 1976.
Zilog, Inc. introduced the Z80 eight-bit microprocessor.
Microsoft introduced an improved version of BASIC.
The first Public Key Cryptography, known as the Diffie-Hellman, was developed by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman.
Dataram released the first SSD (Solid-State Drive) called the "BULK CORE" in 1976.
The ex command was released by Bill Joy in 1976.
The IBM 3800 printer was installed, the first printer to combine laser technology and electrophotography.
IBM announced the 3838 array processor, designed to help pinpoint oil deposits.
IBM released the Series/1.
The V.10 standard was agreed upon in 1976.
IBM released the Series III Copier/Duplicator.
IBM introduced the 6640 Document Printer.
IBM released the Word Processor/32.
IBM introduced the 2991 Model 2 Blood Cell Processor.
Intel introduced the ISIS (Intel System Implementation Supervisor) operating system in 1976.
Computer and technology-related events in 1976
On February 3, 1976, David Bunnell published an article by Bill Gates complaining about software piracy in his Computer Notes Altair newsletter.
The first annual world Altair computer convention and the first convention of computer hobbyists was held in New Mexico on March 26, 1976.
The term meme was first defined in the book The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins.
The NASA Viking 2 landed on Mars on September 3, 1976, and transmitted pictures and soil analysis.
Professor at Bowling Green State University first used the term "computer ethics."
In December 1976, Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to devote all his time to Microsoft.
The first fighting game, called Heavyweight Champ, was released in 1976.
X.25 was a CCITT X series standard approved in 1976.
Computer companies and organizations founded in 1976
Colombia Data Products was founded in 1976.
Computer Associates Was founded by Charles Wang in 1976.
Matrox was founded in 1976.
Micropolis was founded in 1976.
vTech was founded in 1976.
Computer company events in 1976

The original Apple computer company logo of Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree was replaced in 1976 by the well-known rainbow colored apple with a bite out of it.
Microsoft officially dropped the hyphen in Micro-soft and trademarked the Microsoft name on November 26, 1976.
Computer-related TV shows and movies released in 1976
The 1976 movie Futureworld was released and became the first feature film to use 3D computer generated images.
Computer pioneers born in 1976

Jan Koum was born on February 24, 1976.
Ben Hammersley was born on April 3, 1976.
Dennis Crowley was born on June 19, 1976.
Janus Friis was born on June 26, 1976.
Amber MacArthur was born on June 27, 1976.
Demis Hassabis was born on July 27, 1976.
Salman Khan was born on October 11, 1976.
Sarah Lane was born on October 12, 1976.
Jack Dorsey was born on November 19, 1976.
Andrew Ng was born in 1976.
Computer pioneer deaths in 1976

László Kalmár passed away on August 2, 1976 (Age: 71).