Why won't my modem connect at 56k?
Updated: 11/12/2023 by Computer Hope

If you're connecting at or close to 53 k or close to 53 k, such as 41 k or 42 k, it's the highest you'll be able to connect. The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has a limitation of 53 k, if you are not connecting at high 40 k or low 50 k speeds verify the below recommendations.
- Verify your ISP (Internet Service Provider) uses the same standard that you are using. If your ISP only provides X2 or Flex technology, then you are only able to connect at high speeds with the same standard. Today, this should no longer be a problem.
- The 56k technology does not work over a digital line. Most homes use an analog line, but some offices and hotels use digital lines.
Finally, verify your ISP is not at fault and test the phone lines by trying a different ISP or another computer. With some phone systems and the distance to the CO (Central Office), you may not be able to get 56k.