Setting network Program Manager restrictions

To set network restrictions in the Program Manager of Windows 3.x or Windows NT 3.x, follow these steps.
Set network restrictions in Program Manager
The lines below can be adjusted in the progman.ini under the [Restrictions] section to change your network settings.
1 - Disables the Run command on the file menu. It is dimmed out.
1 - Disables the Exit Windows command on the file menu, Alt+F4, and Control menu (upper-left button on Program Manager's window.
1 - Disables the save settings option. Overrides SaveSettings in [settings] section or Progman.ini
1 - Removes the file menu from Program Manager. User can exit Windows by Alt+F4 unless NoClose is enabled.
0 - Allows any changes.
1 - Prevents creating, deleting, renaming groups.
2 - Level 1 + preventing creating, deletion, moving, copying or program items.
3 - Level 2 + prevents changing command lines in the program property boxes.
5 - Level 3 + prevents changing any program item information.