How to fix errors with Microsoft Windows wbhook32.dll file
Below lists potential issues caused by the wbhook32.dll file and the recommended solutions to each of those issues.
Unexpected exception error with wbhook32.dll when opening Internet Explorer
Users who are using P2P sharing programs, such as KaZaA, that include virus protection and are also running McAfee virus protection program may encounter this error.
If you installed a P2P sharing program on your computer, open the Windows Task Manager and end task that program from the Processes. Then, check if the error still occurs with the P2P sharing program shut down. If the error stops occurring, the P2P sharing program is likely causing the issue.
To resolve this issue, we recommend you disable the McAfee "download scan" feature.
If you need to determine your version of McAfee, right-click the V shield icon in the Windows Notification Area and click the About option.
McAfee 5.x users
- Right-click the V shield icon in the Windows Notification Area.
- Under Quick Enable select Download Scan to disable and enable the feature.
McAfee 6.x and users
- Right-click the V shield icon in the Windows Notification Area and click Run.
- Click the Pick a Task button in the bottom left of the window.
- Click the link for Change my VirusScan Settings.
- Click the link for Configure Vshield background Settings.
- Uncheck Download Scan and apply the changes.
McAfee 7.x users
McAfee 7 users should not be experiencing this issue.
If none of the recommendations on this page resolve your issue, consider updating your version of KaZaA, eDonkey, and McAfee or uninstalling KaZaA and eDonkey.
Freecell or Solitaire games after installing McAfee VirusScan
Although no error regarding wbhook32.dll is reported, it is known that issues with Freecell or Solitaire may arise after a custom installation of McAfee VirusScan. This issue can be related to wbhook32.dll.
To resolve this issue, download the latest update and Service Pack for your version of McAfee VirusScan.