How to find what time a movie starts and get reviews

Updated: 01/24/2018 by Computer Hope
Film strip with the label movies.

Find out what time a movie starts

Google - Using the Google search engine and typing your zip code followed by "movie times" is an easy and fast method of finding movie times. For example, typing "84084 movie times" displays all theaters around that area code, movies they're showing, reviews, and the times they start. Clicking the above link also takes you directly to the movies section of Google.

Yahoo! Entertainment - Another fantastic service provided by Yahoo! that allows users to search for movie theaters in their area and their movie times. Also, the site has an excellent collection of movie news, reviews, trailers, etc.

Web pages with movie comments, reviews, ratings, etc.

IMDb - The IMDb (Internet Movie Database) is the best location for movie information, reviews, and information about actors and actresses. Also provides crew information, quotes, and pretty much anything else you could think to ask about a movie.

MRQE - The MRQE (Movie Review Query Engine) is a fantastic site for finding reviews from sources all around the Internet. A great way to determine the rating of a movie.

Rotten Tomatoes - Another site and community containing movie reviews, news, trailers, and more.