Getting 'The syntax of the command is incorrect' error

Updated: 06/22/2024 by Computer Hope
Computer error

While using the Command Prompt in Windows, you may encounter "The syntax of the command is incorrect." error message. Whether you're trying to copy, move, or rename a file or directory, this message is generated when you try to pass an incorrect argument through the Windows command line. Essentially, Windows does not understand the syntax of the command because it is not formatted properly.

The following section contains examples of how this error may be generated and possible solutions.


While there are many ways to generate this error message, it always comes down to one thing: syntax. It may seem obvious, but double-check to ensure what you're entering into the command line has the proper characters and only one destination/desired change.

For example, if you were to try to copy a file, but had two destinations (like the example below), you would see the aforementioned error message.

Two destinations

copy "computer hope.txt" hope hope2


"The syntax of the command is incorrect" error message is also generated when dealing with file names containing spaces. Any file name with spaces needs to be surrounded by double quotes. In the following examples, we're entering commands using computer hope.txt, a text file.

Copy command

This example copies the computer hope.txt file into the hope directory.

copy "computer hope.txt" hope

Move command

This example moves the original computer hope.txt file into the hope directory.

move "computer hope.txt" hope

Rename command

The example renames the computer hope.txt file to different file.txt with a space also in the replacement file name.

rename "computer hope.txt" "different file.txt"