What is the difference between Save and Save As?

In many situations, you may need to save a file. Whether you are creating a web page in Dreamweaver or typing a school paper in Microsoft Word, the save function is a handy way to make sure you don't lose your work. Even though they have similar names, "Save" and "Save As" have a few subtle differences in certain instances. The sections below provide details about both options.
New work or documents
In most programs that create files, the Save and Save As functions work identically on the initial save. When you select either option for the first time, the program prompts you to name the file, choose its format, and the location to save it.
Existing work or documents
With existing work (work that has already been named and saved at least once) these two functions behave differently. Save, updates your work by replacing the last version with what you currently see on your screen. The Save As function provides you with the ability to rename a file, change its extension, or create a new version (a new file exclusive with the previous save).
Downloading files
With browsers, Save As is a function sometimes designated Download As, Save As, Save image as, or Save link As. For example, when you right-click a hyperlink or image on the Internet or an e-mail, you may see one of these options. Like the computer Save As function, these options allow you to download and save something stored on a web page to your computer.