Adobe After Effects

Updated: 12/06/2024 by Computer Hope
Adobe After Effects

Initially released in January 1993, Adobe After Effects is industry-standard video editing software for macOS and Windows computers. After Effects has a strong focus on animation, compositing, and visual effects. After Effects features include 2D and 3D animation capabilities and a library of customizable visual effect generators. It also has tools for computer-generated images and effects that work with raw footage.

Adobe After Effects is integrated with other Adobe applications, including Photoshop, Premiere, Illustrator, and Audition. For example, you can import a Photoshop file into After Effects, using any individual layer of the image file, or the entire merged image, in your video. If you then edit the file in Photoshop, the changes will be automatically displayed in your video project when you switch back to After Effects.

After Effects can be licensed for a standalone monthly fee, or downloaded and installed (on up to two computers) as part of a monthly subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud.

Adobe creative cloud, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, AE, Animation, DaVinci Resolve, macOS, Rendering, Software terms, Video editing, Video terms, Windows