
Updated: 12/06/2024 by Computer Hope

A cursor may refer to any of the following:

1. Alternatively called a caret or a cursor, a text cursor is a visual representation of where you'll see text appear when you begin typing. See our text cursor page for full information about this type of cursor.

2. With a mouse, a cursor describes an object (e.g., an arrow or pointing finger) used to click, drag, and drop items on a GUI (Graphical User Interface) operating system. See the mouse pointer page for additional information about this type of cursor.

3. When discussing an editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment), Cursor is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) code editor that helps programmers write code.

Caret, I-cursor, Insertion point, Keyboard terms, Mouse pointer, Mouse terms, Operating system terms, Pointer, Prompt, Word processor terms