Data transfer

Updated: 09/12/2023 by Computer Hope
Transfer data to and from a computer.

Data transfer or transfer is any information that is transferred from one location to another through some communication method. For example, with digital data transmission data signals are sent and received using the binary code.

Another example is for this page to be visible, all text, images, and other data was transferred over the Internet to your computer. For a file to appear on a USB (universal serial bus) drive, it must first be copied or moved from the hard drive to the USB drive.

How is information transferred on the Internet

Data can be transferred to and from computers over the Internet using one of following methods.


If a user wants to transfer or send data to the Internet, they upload that data. Online file storage, like a NAS (Network-Attached Storage) or SAN (Storage Area Network), stores uploaded data.


If a user wants to receive or pull data from the Internet, they download that data. The data is often downloaded from a NAS or SAN file storage system.

Receive and send

It's also possible for users to upload and download data to and from other computers directly over the Internet. Users can utilize peer-to-peer communication to transfer files directly between computers, bypassing a file storage system.

How does the data travel over the Internet?

All data transmitted over the Internet is placed into packets. Those packets are routed from one computer to another computer over the Internet using routers.

Bandwidth, Data, Data stream, Data transfer rate, Digital, Download, Latency, Modem terms, Network terms, Throughput, Transfer rate, Transfer time, Transmission, Upload