Form letter
Updated: 11/16/2019 by Computer Hope

A form letter is a standard document that's created by combining the document and unique data such as names, dates, or other unique data. Form letters make it easier to get all pertinent information and present it in an easy to read format in a unique way for each reader.
Below is an example of database data. It contains two names, cars they are known to own, a form letter, and the results of the first finished form letter utilizing the database data.
Database data
Consider the following information in a database.
John Smith, Nissan, 1997, Black
Jane Doe, Honda, 2003, White
Form letter example
The following is an example of a form letter that could be composed from either of the database entries.
Dear <first name>, My car dealership is in desperate need of a used <car color> <car year> <car type> and would be willing to trade in your car at double its value. Please get back to me, so we can get you in a new car.
Example of completed form letters
The individual form letters would appear as follows.
Dear John, My car dealership is in desperate need of a used black 1997 Nissan, and would be willing to trade in your car at double its value. Please get back to me, so we can get you in a new car.
Dear Jane, My car dealership is in desperate need of a used white 2003 Honda, and would be willing to trade in your car at double its value. Please get back to me, so we can get you in a new car.