HTML <aside> tag

When writing in HTML (HyperText Markup Language), the <aside> tag is a block element describing a section of content that only partially relates to the content near it. Additionally, anything inside the <aside> tag could be considered separate from said content. Examples are sidebars, related advertisements, and links to similar articles. The following sections contain information about this tag, including an example of it in use and related attributes and browser compatibility.
Example code
<p>Computer Hope is a website that offers free help and support.</p> <aside> <b>Fun Fact:</b><br> The founder, Mr. Hope, loves BBQ potato chips. </aside>
The above code, rendered in a web browser:
Computer Hope is a website that offers free help and support.
Adding a CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) style to the aside tag can give it a better appearance, as shown on our pull quote page.
An attribute dictates certain aspects of an HTML element within an HTML tag. Attributes are made up of a name and value pair. While the <aside> tag has no unique attributes, it utilizes all of the standard attributes.
Edge | Firefox | Safari | Opera | Chrome |
9.0+ | 4.0+ | 5.0+ | 11.1+ | 5.0+ |
Browser, Compatibility, Container tag, Content, <div>, Web design terms