HTML <body> tag

Updated: 12/06/2024 by Computer Hope
HTML body tag

When writing in HTML (HyperText Markup Language), the <body> tag is used to contain a web page's content, including hyperlinks, images, tables, text, etc. It is required in every HTML document, and there may only be one <body> tag per page. The following sections contain information about this tag, including related attributes and browser compatibility.

Example of the <body> code

Below is an example of HTML with the body tag and its contents highlighted in bold text.

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Example page</title>
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is an example of a basic HTML page.</p>


Deprecated attributes

All HTML tags support standard attributes that define the settings of an HTML element. In addition to the standard settings, the <body> tag had the following unique attributes that are now deprecated.

Attribute Description
alink Designates the color a link turns when it is selected.
background Designates the background image on a page.
bgcolor Designates the background color on a page.
link Designates the color of a link not yet been clicked.
text Designates the color of text on a page.
vlink Designates the color of visited links.


Edge Internet Explorer Firefox Safari Opera Chrome
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Browser, Compatibility, Container tag, CSS, Head, HTML, Hyperlink, Image, Table, Tag, Text, Web design terms