
Updated: 12/20/2024 by Computer Hope

A link may refer to any of the following:

unix link

1. With communications, a link is a connection between two devices. For example, when you connect to the Internet, your computer establishes a link to a modem or router.

2. On the Internet, a link is more appropriately called a hyperlink and is what connects web pages to other web pages.

3. With programming, a link is the action performed by a linker in creating an executable program. This action happens after a program is compiled.

4. Linux command, see the link command page for additional information about this command.

5. In data management or a file system, a link refers to the capability of sharing or viewing shared information.

6. In a spreadsheet, linking means a worksheet can receive its data in specific cells in a different worksheet. Essentially, the sharing of data between worksheets.

7. In HTML (HyperText Markup Language), the <a> tag creates links between different objects and web pages on a website.

8. In HTML, the <link> tag creates a link between a web page and an external resource.

9. With data, a link is a connection between two elements in a data structure using index variables or pointer variables.

Back link, Connection, Cross-reference, Deep link, Hard link, Hotlinking, Hotspot, Hyperlink, Internet terms, Join, Link farming, Linkjacking, Permalink, Pingback, Reciprocal link, Symbolic link, URL