3D Builder

Updated: 09/25/2024 by Computer Hope

3D Builder is a free Windows accessory released on November 15, 2013, that was developed by Microsoft. It allows users to create, edit, and print models on a 3D printer. The program requires a computer running Windows 8, Windows 10, or Windows 11, and is available for download from the Microsoft Store. Below is a picture of 3D Builder with a 3-D model of a Jack o'lantern.

3D Builder creating a 3D model of a Jack o'lantern.

3D Builder features

Below are some features in 3D Builder.

  • Large library of free 3-D models for use.
  • Repair any 3-D object to help them print cleaner.
  • Convert a BMP, JPG, PNG, and TGA file into a 3-D object.
  • Take a picture with your webcam and make it a 3-D object.
  • Upload your model to a 3-D cloud print service and have it delivered to you.
  • Open any file saved as .3MF, .gITF, .STL, .OBJ, . PLY, or .WRL.
  • Save files as .3MF, .STL, .OBJ, or .PLY.

3D, Animation, CAD, Rendering, Software terms, Windows Accessories