Paragraph formatting

Updated: 10/03/2024 by Computer Hope
paragraph formatting

Paragraph formatting is a change in the format of text that affects an entire paragraph or is different from other paragraphs in a document. Paragraphs in a word processing document or on a web page can have paragraph formatting applied to them, including alignment, font type, font size, highlighting, and indentation.

Examples of paragraph formatting

Change font size

This paragraph uses a small font size.

This paragraph uses a large font size.

Change font type

This paragraph uses the "Arial" font type.

This paragraph uses the "Comic Sans MS" font type.

Change font color

This paragraph uses the blue font color.

This paragraph uses the red font color.

Change bold and italics formatting

This paragraph uses bold text formatting.

This paragraph uses italics text formatting.

Change color highlighting

This paragraph has no color highlighting.

This paragraph has yellow highlighting.

Change paragraph indentation

This paragraph has no indentation.

This paragraph is indented by one tab character.

Alignment, Format, Indentation, Line spacing, Margin, Paragraph, Web design terms, Word processor terms