Password generator

Updated: 10/23/2024 by Computer Hope
USB Security Token

Alternatively called a fob, key fob, or security token, a password generator is a hardware device used for online services, such as banking, to increase security. The device generates a random, one-time password every 30 to 60 seconds to log into a secure website. The image is that of a USB (Universal Serial Bus) security token; an example of a password generator. This specific model creates a random six digit password that is to be entered with a user's security credentials to access their account.

Today, many companies are moving from a physical password generator to a digital password generator that run on a smartphone. For example, Blizzard Entertainment uses its Mobile Authenticator to validate users of their services and games to prevent hackers from gaining unauthorized access.

Access, Authentication, Encryption, Password, Password manager, Security, Security terms, Two-factor authentication