Photoshop Emboss
Updated: 07/31/2022 by Computer Hope

Emboss or Photoshop Emboss redraws the image in greyscale relief and then returns edges to their original color. Its parameters are angle, height, and amount.
Emboss works on 8 Bit, 16 Bit, 32 Bit, RGB (Red, Green, and Blue), grayscale, CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key), and Multichannel images, and Smart Objects. This filter launches another window with options.
Emboss is part of Adobe Photoshop's Extended Filters.
An emboss effect can also be applied to a Photoshop layer by clicking Layer, Layer Style, and then Bevel & Emboss.
Emboss, Photoshop Diffuse, Photoshop Extrude, Photoshop Find Edges, Photoshop Glowing Edges, Photoshop Oil Paint, Photoshop Solarize, Photoshop terms, Photoshop Tiles, Photoshop Trace Contour, Photoshop Wind