
Updated: 12/29/2023 by Computer Hope
Policy represented by a pen and paper with the word policy written in ink.

A policy is a plan or procedure agreed upon by a group of people, business, organization, or government. For example, many companies have a privacy policy that describes how they treat their customers' private information. These policies inform customers on how their data is handled and give the company's employees a general guideline on best practices when dealing with sensitive information.

Types of computer-related security policies

Below are types of policies you may encounter while working in the computer field.

  • Regulatory - defines a policy to adhere to specific industry or geographic standards and regulations.
  • Advisory - defines acceptable activities and behaviors.
  • Informative - policy with no requirements but informs.
  • Organizational - defines the organization's computer and network security procedures and guidelines.
  • System-Specific - defines hardware and software for specific systems.
  • Issue-Specific - a sub-policy that focuses and goes into depth on specific items such as e-mail, access control, change management, encryption, and vulnerability management.

Examples of computer-related policies

Below are other examples of policies you may encounter while using a computer.


See our full list of computer-related terms containing policy using our word and letter search.

Agreement, Business terms, Group policy, Privacy policy, Procedure, Rule, Standard, Terms