Slide layout

Updated: 10/03/2024 by Computer Hope
Slide Layout

In Microsoft PowerPoint, slide layout refers to the design and placement of different elements on a slide. The default slide layout is a Title Slide with a title text placeholder and subtitle text placeholder. However, this default can include alternate text, images, and video. The slide layout can be considered an overview of the information being presented by the user.


If you don't want to start with any text or content placeholder, choose the Blank slide layout.

Slide layouts

powerpoint home slides

In the Office Ribbon under the Home are the following nine slide layouts. We've also listed each of these layouts with additional information.

Title slide

The Title Slide layout is the default PowerPoint layout when you open a new blank presentation. It contains two text placeholders, one for the title of the presentation and the other for the subtitle.

Title and Content

The Title and Content layout is PowerPoint's most commonly used slide. This slide contains a title placeholder at the top for text and a placeholder for content like a chart, bullet list, images, or other content.

Section Header

The Section Header layout introduces new sections in your PowerPoint presentation. This slide contains two lower text placeholders.

Two Content

The Two Content layout has a title text placeholder at the top with two content placeholders next to each other under the title.


The Comparison layout is the same as the Two Content slide layout, with two additional text placeholders above the two content placeholders.

Title Only

The Title Only layout has a title text placeholder in the top center of the slide with nothing else.


The Blank layout has no placeholders and allow you to create the layout.

Content with Caption

The Content with Caption layout has a title and caption text placeholder on the left and a content placeholder on the right.

Picture with Caption

The Picture with Caption layout has a centered picture placeholder above a caption text placeholder.

Am I limited to only these layouts?

No. A slide layout is only a starting point for each slide to help make inserting text, images, and other content easier and faster. After picking any of these layouts, you can move or delete any placeholders or add new content outside the placeholder.

Microsoft PowerPoint, Slide, Slide deck, Slide Master, Software terms