
Updated: 05/04/2019 by Computer Hope
Telephoto camera lens

Telephoto is a type of camera lens which has a narrow field of view. It allows close-up photographs without the need for digital zooming, which can decrease the quality of the image. Photographs taken with a telephoto lens can feature more refined details than photographs taken with other types of camera lenses.

Types of telephoto lenses

There are two main types of telephoto lenses:

A medium telephoto lens can take photographs where a ten to thirty degree field of view is required, which equates to about 67 mm to 206 mm. An example of its use is for taking close-up pictures of a human subject, where the photographer is standing multiple feet away from the person.

A super telephoto lens can take photographs when a one to eight degree field of view is required, which equates to over 300 mm. An example of its use is for taking close-up pictures of insects or plants, where the photographer is standing within two or three feet.

Camera, Camera terms, Digital camera, Tele, Zoom