Kim Komando
Updated: 03/06/2020 by Computer Hope

Name: Kim Komando
Born: July 1, 1967, in New Jersey, USA
Computer-related contributions
- Often referred to as "America's Digital Goddess."
- Host of an American talk radio program The Kim Komando Show, which covers the popularity of personal computers, Internet, and the complexities of consumer electronics.
- Kim developed computer training tapes, which she sold via an infomercial.
Significant publications
- Essential Guide to Digital Photography (2011).
- 1001 Komputer Answers from Kim Komando (1995).
- Creating Web Pages (Dummies 101 Series) (1997).
- Cyberbuck$: Making Money Online (1996).
Honors and awards
- Featured speaker at Fortune Magazine's Most Powerful Women Summit (2009).
- Gracie award (2007).
- Voted "Woman of the Year" by Talker's Magazine (2007).
- Recipient of the Judy Jarvis Memorial Award for Outstanding Contributions by a Woman to Talk Radio (2006).
"In 15 years, somebody is going to run for public office and their profile will get pulled up and used against them. All this information is being archived."