Larry Sanger
Updated: 03/06/2020 by Computer Hope

Name: Lawrence Mark "Larry" Sanger
Born: July 16, 1968, in Bellevue, Washington, USA
Computer-related contributions
- American online knowledge organizer and co-founder of Wikipedia.
- Founder of Citizendium, a free English-language wiki encyclopedia launched in 2006. Unlike Wikipedia, it requires all authors and editors to use their real names, with the goal of increasing reliability of information.
- Former editor-in-chief of Nupedia, a free English-language encyclopedia whose content was reviewed by experts before publication, defunct since 2003.
- Designer of a web-based reading program called Reading Bear.
Significant publications
- How and Why I Taught My Toddler to Read (2010).
"If the project was lucky enough to have a writer or two well-informed about some specialized subject, and if their work was not degraded in quality by the majority of people, whose knowledge of the subject is based on paragraphs in books and mere mentions in college classes, then there might be a good, credible article on that specialized subject. Otherwise, there will be no article at all, a very amateurish-sounding article, or an article that looks like it might once have been pretty good, but which has been hacked to bits by hoi polloi."