Wen Chow
Updated: 12/31/2020 by Computer Hope
Name: Wen Tsing Chow
Born: 1918 in Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
Death: 2001 (Age: 83)
Computer-related contributions
- Chinese-born American digital computer pioneer and missile guidance scientist.
- Pioneered using digital computers in satellites, missiles, and spacecraft guidance systems.
- Lead the design of the United States Air Force Atlas E/F ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile) all-inertial guidance computer and guidance system.
- Prepared the design of the first all solid state, high reliability, spaceborne digital computer.
- Possesses patent on what is known as programmable read-only memory or PROM (called "constants storage matrix," in the 1950s).
Honors and awards
- Air Force Space and Missiles Pioneers Award (2004).