Fdisk simulation

Updated: 06/02/2020 by Computer Hope

In this screen, you have the capability of deleting pre-existing DOS partitions. If you currently have no disk space available on your hard drive and want to create additional partitions, you must first use this screen to delete the partitions and then create partitions.


If you delete partitions, any information on those partitions is erased and CANNOT be recovered.

Delete DOS Partition or Logical DOS Drive

  Current fixed disk drive: 1

  Choose one of the following:

  1.   Delete Primary DOS partition
  2.   Delete Extended DOS Partition
  3.   Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition
  4.   Delete Non-DOS Partition

Enter Choice:  [  ]

Press Escto return to FDISK Options

1. Delete Primary DOS partition

Use this option to delete your main primary partition. If you have any extended or logical DOS partitions, you must delete these partitions before deleting the primary partition.

2. Delete Extended DOS partition

If you have your computer partitioned to more than one drive, use this option to delete the extended DOS partition(s). You must delete the Logical DOS Drive(s) before deleting the Extended DOS partition.

3. Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition

This option would be used first if you have extended DOS partitions and want to delete the extended partitions.

4. Delete Non-DOS Partition

Delete partitions created by third-party applications (e.g., DDO) or other operating systems (e.g., OS/2, Unix, Linux).

Example of what was explained above

Bob has created three partitions on one hard drive; however, he would like to delete them all.

  1. Delete the two logical DOS drive(s) in the Extended DOS partition with Option number three.
  2. Once the logical DOS partitions are deleted, choose option number two to delete the extended DOS partition.
  3. Choose option one to delete the Primary partition.
  4. Reboot the computer to allow above changes to take effect.