Watch free online computer lectures and courses

Updated: 02/06/2025 by Computer Hope
computer learning

Today, there are millions of free online lectures available in almost any conceivable topic. Below are a few of our favorite locations containing free online lectures and courses that are focused around computers and computer-related topics.

Computer basics

  • GCF Global - Includes free courses on computer basics, Windows, Mac, Office, and more.

Basic to advanced computers

  • TheNewBoston - Great collection of computer programming, computer science, and Adobe related video tutorials.
  • Class Central - Great search engine for finding computer-related and other topic-related classes on the Internet.
  • Alison - Ad supported training for various courses including computer networking, security, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, animation, graphics, and many more.

Advanced computer and computer science

  • Codecademy - A fantastic site that helps everyone for free learn to program in such languages as JavaScript, HTML/CSS, PHP, Python, and Ruby.
  • Coursera - A collection of advanced computer and computer science courses from colleges around the world. Some topics covered include algorithms, artificial intelligence, machine learning, programming, and more.
  • KHANACADEMY - Well known for its math related lessons, now includes science, economics, humanities, and test preparations.
  • OnlineCourses- Great site that lists hundreds of links to direct courses online for all the major Universities and is one of the best places we've found for finding computer-related courses.
  • MIT OPENCOURSEWARE - The Massachusetts Institute of Technology list of hundreds of open free courses available online.
  • Academic Earth - Subjects include business, computer science, mathematics, engineering, science, humanities, social services, art & design, and test preparations.