Make a YouTube video into an animated gif

YouTube is a great site for watching videos and using the site gifyoutube you can make any section of any video into an animated GIF. To create an animated GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) using this site follow the steps below.
To make this page easier, the YouTube and GIF YouTube links open in a new tabs.
1. Open YouTube and find the video you want to make a clip. Copy the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the video you want to use. In this example, we are using the below URL.
2. Open GifYouTube and paste the URL into the text box and click the Create GIF button.
3. In the Configure Your GIF window select the Start Time, Gif length, and Title of your animated GIF and click Create GIF.
4. Once the image is created, you can share it on any of the major social network, or click the chain icon to get the path to the file. Below is an example of an animation of the URL used earlier.
An easy method of creating any animated Gif images in the future is to remember that you can add "gif" in front of any YouTube URL to automatically be forward to the site. For example, would become