Quickly find icon or file

You can quickly locate an icon from among a group of icons, or a specific item in an alphabetic list of items if you know the file's name. Highlight one of the items in the same folder and press the first letter of the file name you want to find. Below are examples of how this could be used.
Windows desktop icons
If you have icons on your desktop or another folder highlight one of the icons and press the first letter. For example, if you were looking for an icon named "test" highlight any icon and press the "t" key. Note: you can also press the "t" key multiple times to individually highlight each icon that starts with "t".
Internet drop-down list
Instead of scrolling through a list of options in an Internet drop-down list, press the first letter of the list item. For example, if you were looking through a list of states and you wanted "Utah" press "U" to automatically scroll down to it.