Active-matrix display

Updated: 11/13/2018 by Computer Hope

Alternatively called TFT (Thin-Film Transistor) and AMLCD (Active-Matrix Liquid-Crystal Display), an active-matrix display is an LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display) introduced with the IBM ThinkPad in 1992. With Active-matrix displays, each pixel is controlled by one to four transistors that make the screen brighter and more colorful than passive-matrix displays. Active-matrix displays also update the screen faster than passive-matrix displays and can be viewed at a greater viewing angle. Because of this improved technology, active-matrix screens are often more expensive than their passive-matrix counterparts.

While active-matrix displays do have a crisp picture because each pixel has a transistor, they consume more power when running from a battery. Also, because of the number of transistors, there is more of an opportunity for dead pixels.

In conclusion, the active-matrix display may have disadvantages like any technology. However, it is still recommended by most over the dual-scan technology.

Computer acronyms, LCD, Matrix, OLED, Passive-matrix display, TLA, Video terms