Computer acronyms and abbreviations

Updated: 02/21/2025 by Computer Hope
Acronym example

One of the most confusing things for computer users is the computer terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. Below is the most complete list of computer acronyms on the Internet, with over 2,230 abbreviations and acronyms and their full meanings. Clicking these links opens the full definition of each acronym for further help. You can also use the Computer Hope search to find and open any acronym page immediately. If this list is too overwhelming, consider starting with: What are the most important computer terms I should know?


The capitalization of some acronyms may have different meanings. For example, Mb (Megabit) and MB (Megabyte) are different measurements. However, "MB" is shown as "MB (Megabit, Megabyte, or Motherboard)." Clicking an acronyms link shows a full page of information, including capitalization details.

Abbreviation definition, Acronym definition, Backronym, Chat slang, File extensions, Recursive acronym, Shorthand, Slang, TLAs
5g logo by 3GPP

#! (Crunchbang Linux)
2-D (two-dimensional)
2FA (two-factor authentication)
2G (second generation)
3-D (three-dimensional)
3G (3rd generation)
3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project)
3PS (third-person shooter)
5G (5th generation)
24x7 (24 hours a day or seven days a week)
24/7 (24 hours a day or seven days a week)

Letter e with and without anti-aliasing.

A (atto)
AA (Anti-Alias or Android Auto)
AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
AAM (Automatic Acoustic Management)
AAS (As A Service or Auto Area Segmentation)
ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer)
Abend (abnormal end)
ABIOS (Advanced BIOS)
ABP (AdBlock Plus)
AC (Alternating Current, Anonymous Coward, or Asheron's Call)
ACC (accelerate, acceleration, accept, acceptance, accompanied, accompaniment, accompany, account, accuracy, or actually)
ACCT (account)
ACD (Audio Conversion Device)
ACE (Access Control Entry or Assured Computing Environment)
ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable)
ACK (acknowledgment)
ACL (Access Control List)
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)
ACR (Absolute Cell Reference, Attenuation Crosstalk Ratio, Actual Cell Rate, or Annual Compliance Report)
ACS (Access Control System)
AD (Active Directory, advertisement, analog-to-digital, Access Denied)
ADB (Android Debug Bridge or Apple Desktop Bus)
ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter)
ADL (Anti-Defamation League)
ADN (Absolute Domain Name or any day now)
ADO (ActiveX Data Object)
ADPCM (Adaptive Delta Pulse Code Modulation)
ADR (address)
ADS (Aim Down Sights)
ADSI (Active Directory Service Interface or Analog Display Service Interface)
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
ADSM (ADSTAR Distributed Storage Management)
AE (After Effects or Automatic Exposure)
AEAP (As Early As Possible)
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
AF (Autofocus)
AFAICS (As Far As I Can See)
AFAICT (As Far As I Can Tell)
AFAIK (As Far As I Know)
AFIPS (American Federation of Information Processing Societies)
AFJ (April Fool's Joke)
AFK (Away From Keyboard)
AFS (Andrew File System)
AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)
AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port)
AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface)
AI (Artificial Intelligence or Adobe Illustrator)
AIK (Automated Installation Kit)
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger or Apple, IBM, and Motorola)
AIML (Artificial Intelligent Markup Language)
AIMM (AGP In-line Memory Module)
AIO (All-In-One)
AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive)
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
AKA (Also Known As)
ALGOL (ALGOrithmic Language)
ALM (Application Lifecycle Management)
Alpha (alphabet)
ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
AM (Amplitude Modulation or Ante Meridiem)
AMA (Ask Me Anything)
AMI (American Megatrends Inc.)
AMLCD (Active-Matrix Liquid-Crystal Display)
AMOLED (Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode)
Amp (ampere)
AMR (Audio/Modem Riser)
ANC (Active Noise Cancellation)
ANFSCD (And Now For Something Completely Different)
ANI (Automatic Number Identification)
ANN (Artificial Neural Network)
ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
AoD (Area of Damage)
AODRM (Always-On Digital Rights Management)
AoE (Age of Empires or Area of Effect)
AOL (America Online)
AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming or Auto OPerator)
AOSP (Android Open Source Project)
API (Application Programming Interface)
APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller)
APIPA (Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing)
APK (Android Package File)
APM (Advanced Power Management or Actions Per Minute)
APNS (Apple Push Notification Service)
App (application)
APT (Advanced Packaging Tool or Advanced Persistent Threat)
APU (Accelerated Processing Unit or Advanced Processing Unit)
APWG (Anti-Phishing Working Group)
AQI (Air Quality Index)
AR (Augmented Reality)
ARC (Advanced RISC Computing or Audio Return Channel)
ARCnet (Attached Resource Computer network)
A record (Address record)
ARG (argument, Alternate Reality Game, or Augmented Reality Game)
ARGB (Alpha, Red, Green, and Blue)
ARLL (Advanced Run-length Limited)
ARM (Advanced RISC Machine)
AROS (AROS Research Operating System)
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency or Address and Routing Parameter Area)
ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)
ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request)
AS (Autonomous System)
AS/400 (Application System/400)
ASAP (As Soon As Possible)
ASCEND (Advanced System for Computations in Engineering Design)
ASCI (Atari Computer Systems Interface)
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
ASF (Advanced Systems Format)
ASF (Apache Software Foundation)
ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit)
ASL (Age, Sex, and Location)
ASLP (Age, Sex, Location, and Picture)
ASM (assembly)
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response)
ASN (Autonomous System Number)
ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Number one)
ASP (Active Server Pages, AppleTalk Session Protocol, Application Service Provider, authorized service provider, or answer set programming)
ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface)
ASR (Automated System Recovery, Automatic Speech Recognition, or Automatic Send and Receive)
AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
AT (Advanced Technology)
ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment)
ATAPI (AT Attachment Packet Interface)
ATC (Advanced Transfer Cache)
ATEOTD (At The End Of The Day)
ATF (Above The Fold)
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode, At The Moment, or Automated Teller Machine)
ATRAC (Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding)
ATS (Applied Type System, Automatic Transfer Switch, or Applicant Tracking System)
ATX (Advanced Technology eXtended)
AU (Arithmetic Unit)
AUI (Attachment Unit Interface)
AUP (Acceptable Use Policy)
Auto (automatic, automobile, or autonomous)
AV (AntiVirus, Aperture Value, Audio Video, or avatar)
AVC (Advanced Video Coding)
AVI (Audio Video Interleave)
AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator, Automatic Voice Recognition, or Automatic Voice Response)
AVS (AntiVirus Software)
AWG (American Wire Gauge)
AWOL (Absent WithOut Leave)
AWS (Amazon Web Services)
AYT (Are You There)

BGA (Ball Grid Array)

B (bold)
B2B (business-to-business)
B2B (business-to-consumer)
BAE (Before Anyone Else)
BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
BAT (Baby AT)
BB (broadband or Bulletin Board)
BBL (Be Back Later)
BBM (BlackBerry Messenger)
BBS (BIOS boot specification, Bulletin Board System, or Be Back Shortly)
BC (Before Christ)
BCC (Blind Carbon Copy)
BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal or Boot Configuration Data)
BCP (Best Current Practices)
BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language)
BCR (BarCode Reader)
BD (Blu-ray Disc)
BDC (Backup Domain Controller, Bluetooth Daughter Card, Big Dot Com, or Big Dumb Company)
BDF (Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format)
BDI (BiDirectional Isolation)
BDO (BiDirectional Override)
BD-R (Blu-ray Disc Recordable)
BD-ROM (Blu-ray Disc Read-Only Memory)
BEDO (Burst Extended Data Out)
BER (Bit Error Rate or Beyond Economical Repair)
BERT (Bit Error Rate Tester, Bit Error Rate Test, or Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)
BES (BlackBerry Enterprise Server)
BF (Battlefield or Boy Friend)
BFF (Best Friends Forever)
BFSK (Binary Frequency-Shift Keying)
BG (background, Bad Game, battleground or Big Grin)
BGA (Ball Grid Array)
BGMP (Border Gateway Multicast Protocol)
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
BGR (Blue, Green, and Red)
BHO (Browser Helper Object)
BI (Business Intelligence)
Bi-di (bidirectional)
Bin (binary)
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain)
BIO (biography)
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)
B-ISDN (Broadband ISDN)
BISYNC (Binary Synchronous Communications)
Bit (binary digit)
BITNET (Because It's Time NETwork)
BIU (Bold, Italic, Underline)
BJ (Bubble Jet)
BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
BMP (bitmap)
BNC (bouncer, Bayonet Neill-Concelman, Bayonet Nut Connector, or British Naval/Navy Connector)
BO (Back Orifice)
BOE (Bind On Equip)
BOFH (Bastard Operator From Hell)
BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing)
BOM (Byte Order Mark, Bill Of Materials, Beginning Of Message, or Beginning Of Medium)
Bool (Boolean)
BOOTP (BOOTstrap Protocol)
BOP (Bind On Pickup)
BPB (BIOS Pattern Block)
BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit)
BPL (Broadband-over-PowerLine)
BPM (Business Process Management)
BPS (Bits Per Second or Bytes Per Second)
BPSK (BiPhase Shift Keying)
Br (Break or Battle Royale)
BRB (Be Right Back)
BRI (Basic Rate Interface)
Brouter (Bridge Router)
BSB (Back-Side Bus)
BSC (Binary Synchronous Communications)
BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
BSDi (Berkeley Software Design, Inc.)
BSIDE (Bus Mastering Integrated Drive Electronics)
BSoD (Blue Screen of Death or Black Screen of Death)
BSP (Binary Space Partitioning)
BSS (Basic Service Set)
BSSID (Basic Service Set IDentifier)
BTC (bitcoin or Behavior Tech Computers)
BTDT (Been There Done That)
BTW (By The Way)
BTX (Balanced Technology eXtended)
BW (bandwidth, Best Wishes, or But Why)
BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer)
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop)
BYOT (bring your own technology)

Cyan-colored circle, Magenta-colored circle, Yellow-colored circle, intersecting in the middle to make black

C (Celsius, centi, or coulomb)
C2 (Core 2)
CA (Certificate Authority, California, Canada, Computer Associates)
Cab (Cabinet file)
CAD (Computer-Aided Design)
CAIS (Center for AI Safety)
CAP (Competitive Access Provider)
CAPS (CapsLock)
CAPSLK (CapsLock)
CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart)
CAS (Column Address Select or Column Access Strobe)
CASC (Certificate Authority Security Council)
CAT (Central Africa Time)
CATV (Cable TV or Community Access Television)
CAV (Constant Angular Velocity)
CB (Call Back, Chat Brat, Closed Beta, or Citizens Band)
CBE (Computer-Based Education)
CBI (Computer-Based Instruction)
CBIOS (Compatibility BIOS)
CBL (Calculator Based Labs, Comptuer-Based Learning)
CBT (Computer-Based Training)
CC (Carbon Copy, C compiler, Creative Commons, Creative Cloud, Closed Caption, Closed Captioning, Crowd Control, or Cursor Control)
CCC (Catalyst Control Center)
CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack)
CCD (Charge-Coupled Device)
CCDE (Cisco Certified Design Expert)
CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lighting)
CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert)
CCITT (Comit Consultatif International Tlphonique et Tlgraphique)
CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate)
CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional)
CCS (Call-Control Signaling or Common Command Set)
ccTLD (country code Top-Level Domain)
CCTV (Closed-Circuit TeleVision)
CCW (CounterClockWise)
CD (Change Directory, cooldown, or Compact Disc)
CDA (Communication Decency Act or Compact Audio Disc)
CDC (Communications Daughter Card or Cult of the Dead Cow)
CDDA (Compact Disc Digital Audio)
CDDB (Compact Disc DataBase)
CDDI (Copper Distributed Data Interface)
CDE (Common Desktop Environment)
CD-E (CD Erasable)
CDfs (Compact Disc file system)
CDG (CDMA Development Group)
CD-i (Compact Disc-interactive)
CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
CDN (Content Delivery Network or Content Distribution Network)
CDP (Cache Discovery Protocol, Certificate in Data Processing, Columbia Data Products, Content Delivery Platform, Content Discovery Platform, or Continuous Data Protection)
CD-PROM (Compact Disc-Programmable Read-Only Memory)
CD-R (Compact Disc Recordable)
CDRFS (CD-R File System)
CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read-Only Memory)
CD-ROM XA (CD-ROM eXtended Architecture)
CD-RTOS (Compact Disc-Real Time Operating System)
CD-RW (Compact Disc Re-Writable)
CDSL (Consumer DSL)
CDTV (Commodore Dynamic Total Vision)
CD-WO (Compact Disc Write Once)
CE (Collector's Edition, Consumer Electronics, Cancel Entry, Compact Edition, or Consumer Edition)
CEATEC (Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies)
CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker)
cellco (cellular phone company)
Cell phone (cellular telephone)
CentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System)
CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
CERN (Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nuclaire)
CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team, or certified)
Cert (certificate, certified, or certification)
CES (Consumer Electronics Show)
CF (CompactFlash)
CFAA (Computer Fraud and Abuse Act)
CFM (Cubic Feet Per Minute)
CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
CFPM (Cubic Feet Per Minute)
CG (Computer Graphics)
CGA (Color Graphics Adapter)
CGI (Common Gateway Interface or Computer-Generated Imagery)
CH (Computer Hope or College Humor)
CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol)
Char (character)
chdir (change directory)
CHID (Computer Hope IDentification)
CHS (Cylinder-Head-Sector)
cHTML (compact HTML)
CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)
CIFS (Common Internet File System)
CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
CIM (Common Information Model)
CINO (Chief INnovation Officer)
CIO (Chief Information Officer)
CIR (Committed Information Rate, circle, circuit)
CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)
CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)
CL (CAS latency, Craigslist, Common Lisp)
CLCC (Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier)
CLI (Command-Line Interface, Command-Line Interpreter, Common Language Infrastructure, or Caller Line Identification)
CLNS (ConnectionLess Network Service)
CLOS (Common Lisp Object System)
CLR (Common Language Runtime or clear)
CLS (clear screen or Cumulative Layout Shift)
CLSID (CLaSs IDentifier)
CLUT (Color LookUp Table)
CLV (Constant Linear Velocity)
CMA (Computer Misuse Act)
CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication)
CMML (Continuous Media Markup Language)
CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)
CMS (Content Management System)
CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key)
CNAME (Canonical NAME)
CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation)
CNCT (Certified Network Computer Technician)
CNE (Certified Novell Engineer)
CNMAT (Center for New Music and Audio Technologies)
CNR (Communication and Network Riser)
CNST (Certified Network Systems Technician)
CO (Central Office)
COA (Certificate Of Authenticity)
COAST (Cache On A STick)
COB (Close Of Business or Chip On Board)
COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language)
COD (Call of Duty, Cash On Delivery, or Click Of Death)
CODASYL (Conference on Data Systems Languages)
Code (source code)
Codec (compression / decompression)
Coil (electromagnetic coil)
COLA (comp.os.linux.announce)
COM (Component Object Model or Computer Output Microfilm)
COMDEX (Computer Dealers' Exhibition)
COMINT (communications intelligence)
CompTIA (Computer Technology Industry Association)
Con (console, confidence, or conference)
COO (Chief Operating Officer)
Co-op (cooperative)
COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act or California Online Privacy Protection Act)
Core (core dump)
CP (Clock Pulse)
CPA (Cost Per Action or Cost Per Acquisition)
CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)
CPC (Cost Per Click)
CPGA (Ceramic Pin Grid Array)
CPI (Characters Per Inch)
CPL (Combined Programming Language)
CPM (Characters Per Minute, cost per thousand, or Cost Per Mile)
CPNI (Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure)
CPS (Characters Per Second)
CPTM (Cost Per Targeted Thousand)
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
CR (Carriage Return)
CRB (Come Right Back)
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
CREN (Corporation for Research and Educational Networking)
C-RIMM (Continuity RIMM)
CRL (Certificate Revocation List)
CRLF (Carriage Return/Line Feed)
CR/LF (Carriage Return/Line Feed)
CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
CRPG (Computer Role Playing Game)
CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
Crypto (cryptography or cryptocurrency)
CS (Customer Service, Computer Science, Counter-Strike, Cable Select, Creative Suite, or CodeSegment)
CSAT (Circuit Satisfiability Problem)
CSE (Custom Search Engine)
CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research)
CSIRAC (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Automatic Computer)
CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access)
CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection)
CSNET (Computer Science Network)
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets, Content Scramble System, or Chirp Spread Spectrum)
CST (Computer Service Technician or Central Standard Time)
CSTN (Color Super-Twisted Nematic)
CSU/DSU (Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit)
CSV (Comma-Separated Values)
CTA (Call To Action or Consumer Technology Association)
CTC (Care To Chat)
CTCP (Client-To-Client Protocol)
CTD (Crash To Desktop)
CTF (Capture The Flag)
CTIO (Chief Technology Innovation Officer)
CTO (Chief Technology Officer or Chief Technical Officer)
CTR (Click-Through Rate)
Ctrl (Control key)
CTS (Clear To Send or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
CTTY (Change TeleTYpe)
CU (Control Unit)
CUI (Character User Interface or Command-line User Interface)
CUPS (Common Unix Printing System)
Curmbox (Current Mailbox)
CUT (Coordinated Universal Time)
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
CVC (Card Verification Code)
CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome or Concurrent Version System)
CVV (Card Verification Value)
CW (clockwise)
CWD (Current Working Directory)
CWIS (Campus-Wide Information System)

Illustration of a DDoS attack.

D (deca, deci, depth)
D2D (disk-to-disk)
DAA (Digital Advertising Alliance)
DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter or Discretionary Access Control)
DACL (Discretionary Access Control List)
DAE (Digital Audio Extraction or Does Anyone Else)
DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations)
DAP (Digital Audio Player)
DApps (Decentralized Apps)
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
DART (Data Access in Real Time, Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool, or Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset)
DAS (Direct Access Storage)
DASD (Direct Access Storage Device)
DASL (Distributed Application Specification Language)
DASP (Disk Anti-Shock Protection, Drive Active Slave Present, or Dynamic Adaptive Speculative Pre-Processor)
DAT (Digital Audio Tape)
DAU (Daily Active Users)
DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)
DB (database)
DBA (DataBase Administrator, DataBase Analyst, DeciBels Adjust, or Doing Business As)
DBAN (Darik's Boot and Nuke)
DBMS (DataBase Management System)
DC (Direct Current, Domain Controller, Data Center, or disconnect)
DCC (Digital Content Creation, Direct Client-to-Client, Direct Cable Connection, or Digital Compact Cassette)
DCE (Data Circuit-terminating Equipment, Data Communication Equipment, Desktop Composting Engine, or Distributed Computing Environment)
DCIM (Digital Camera IMages or Data Center Infrastructure Management)
DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model)
DD (Double Density or Don't Die)
DDBMS (Distributed DataBase Management System)
DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)
DDF (Disease and Drug-Free)
DDG (DuckDuckGo)
DDK (Driver Development Kit)
DDL (Data Definition Language or Drop-Down List)
DDNS (Dynamic DNS)
DDO (Disk Drive Overlay, Dynamic Drive Overlay, or Dungeons & Dragons Online)
DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)
DDP (Datagram Delivery Protocol)
DDR (Double Data Rate, Dial-on-Demand Routing, or Dance Dance Revolution)
DDR2 (Double Data Rate two)
DDR3 (Double Data Rate three)
DDR4 (Double Data Rate four)
DDR5 (Double Data Rate five)
DDR SDRAM (Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory)
DDS (Digital Data Storage)
DE (Desktop Environment)
DEA (Data Encryption Algorithm)
DEC (decimal or Digital Equipment Corporation)
DEF CON (DEFense readiness CONdition)
DeFi (Decentralized Finance)
DEMUX (demultiplexer)
DES (Data Encryption Standard)
DF (Disk Free, Don't Fragment, Dwarf Fortress, Dragonflight, or Dear Friend)
DFD (Data Flow Diagram)
DFMC (Direct Methanol Fuel Cell)
DFTT (Don't Feed The Trolls)
DGAF (Don't Give A Fu**)
DHA (Directory Harvest Attack)
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
DHS (Department of Homeland Security)
DHTML (Dynamic HyperText Markup Language)
DID (Direct Inward Dialing)
DIF (Directory Interchange Format)
DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation)
DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module)
DIP (Dual In-line Package)
DIVX (DIgital VIdeo eXpress)
DIX (Digital, Intel, and Xerox)
DJ (Disc Jockey)
DKP (Dragon Kill Points)
DL (download or Down Low)
D/L (download)
DLA (Drive Letter Access)
DLC (Data Link Control, Digital Loop Carrier, or downloadable content)
DLL (Dynamic-Link Library)
DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance)
DLP (Data Loss Prevention, Data Level Parallelism, Discrete Logarithm Problem, or Digital Light Processing)
DLT (Digital Linear Tape or Distributed Ledger Technology)
DM (Direct Message, Device Manager, or deathmatch)
DMA (Direct Memory Access)
DMAC (Direct Memory Access Control)
DMAR (Destination Memory Address Register)
DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)
DMF (Distribution Media Format)
DMI (Desktop Management Interface)
DML (Data Manipulation Language)
DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force)
DMX (demultiplexer)
DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone)
DND (Dungeons and Dragons)
DNFTT (Do Not Feed The Trolls)
DNIC (Data Network Identification Code)
DNS (Domain Name System)
DOA (Dead On Arrival)
DoCoMo (Do Communications Over Mobile)
DOD (Department of Defense or drop-on-demand)
DOM (Document Object Model)
DOS (Denial Of Service or Disk Operating System)
DoT (Damage over Time)
DotA (Defense of the Ancients)
DP (DisplayPort)
DPI (Dots Per Inch)
Dpkg (Debian package manager)
DPMA (Data Processing Management Association)
DPMI (DOS Protected Mode Interface)
DPMS (Display Power Management System)
DPS (Damage Per Second)
DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory)
DRBG (Deterministic Random Bit Generator)
DRM (Digital Rights Management, Device Relationship Management, or Direct Rendering Manager)
DRNG (Digital Random Number Generator)
DRO (Digital ReadOut)
Drop (malware dropper)
DRQ (Data ReQuest)
DS (Double Spacing, Drive Select, Data Source, Digital Signature, Drop Shipping, Double-Sided)
DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)
DSAP (Destination Service Access Point)
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line, Domain-Specific Language, or Damn Small Linux)
DSN (Data Source Name or deep space network)
DSO (Data Source Object)
DSP (Digital Service Provider, Digital Signal Processor, Digital Signal Processing, or Drive Secondary Present)
DSR (Dynamic Source Routing or Dell System Restore)
DSS (Digital Satellite Service or Digital Signature Standard)
DST (Daylight Saving Time)
DSTN (Dual-scan SuperTwisted Nematic, Double SuperTwist Nematic, or Double-layer SuperTwisted Nematic)
DSVD (Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data)
DTD (Document Type Definition)
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment or Data Terminating Equipment)
DTP (Desktop Publishing Program)
DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
DTS (Digital Thermal Sensor, Digital Theater Sound, or Data Transformation Services)
DTX (discontinuous transmission)
DU (Disk Usage)
DUN (Dial-Up Networking)
DUST (Did You See That)
DUT (Device Under Test)
DVD (Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc)
DVD-R (Digital Versatile Disc Recordable)
DVD-RAM (Digital Versatile Disc Random Access Memory)
DVD-ROM (Digital Versatile Disc Read-Only Memory)
DVD-RW (Digital Versatile Disc Read/Write)
DVI (Digital Visual Interface)
DVI-A (Digital Visual Interface - Analog only)
DVI-D (Digital Visual Interface - Digital only)
DVI-I (Digital Visual Interface - analog & digital)
DVMT (Dynamic Video Memory Technology)
DVR (Digital Video Recorder)
DW (Data Warehouse)
DWM (Desktop Window Manager)
Dword (Double word)
DxDiag (DirectX diagnostics)
DXi (DirectX Instrument)

AORUS external GPU or eGPU

E (electronic, Enlightenment, exa)
E- (electronic)
E-911 (Enhanced 911)
E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo)
EA (Electronic Arts)
EAI (Enterprise Application Integration)
EAML (Enterprise Architecture Modeling Language)
EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol or Employee Assistance Program)
EAP-FAST (Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling)
EAPROM (Electronically Alterable Programmable Read-Only Memory)
eARC (Enhanced Audio Return Channel)
EAS (Emergency Alert System)
EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust)
EB (Exabit / Exabyte)
EBCAK (Error Between Chair And Keyboard)
EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code)
E-beggar (electronic beggar)
EBKAC (Error Between Keyboard And Chair)
EBML (Extensible Binary Meta Language)
E-book (electronic book)
EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)
ECAD (Electronic Computer-Aided Design)
ECC (Error-Correcting Code)
ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)
ECHS (Extended Cylinder-Head-Sector)
ECL (Enterprise Control Language)
ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association)
ECP (Extended Capabilities Port)
ECU (Electronic Control Unit)
EDA (Electronic Design Automation)
EDC (Ethernet Daughter Card)
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
EDIINT (Electronic Data Interchange-Internet INTegration)
EDO (Extended Data Out)
EDP (Electronic Data Processing)
EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator)
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)
EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust)
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory)
EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface)
EFS (Encrypting File System)
EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)
eGPU (external Graphics Processing Unit)
EHCI (Enhanced Host Controller Interface)
EHR (Electronic Health Record)
EIA (Electronic Industries Alliance)
EiB (exbibyte)
EIDE (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics)
EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architecture or Extended ISA)
EIST (Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology)
ELD (Electroluminescent Display)
E-learning (electronic learning)
ELF (Extremely Low Frequency)
ELINT (ELectronic INTelligence)
EM (emphasized, electromagnet, or electromagnetic)
E-mail (electronic mail)
EMF (ElectroMotive Force or Enhanced MetaFile)
EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference)
EMM (Expanded-Memory Manager)
eMMC (embedded MultiMediaCard)
EMR (ElectroMagnetic Radiation or Electronic Medical Record)
EMS (Emergency Management Services or Expanded Memory Specification)
EMZ (Windows enhanced metafile)
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
ENQ (enquiry character)
EOD (End Of Day or End Of Discussion)
EOF (End-Of-File)
EOL (End-Of-Life or End-Of-Line)
EOM (End-Of-Message)
EOP (End-Of-Page)
EOS (End-Of-Support)
EOT (End-of-Transmission or end of topic)
EOTD (End Of The Day)
EOW (End-Of-Week)
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
EPD (Electronic Paper Display)
EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center)
EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port)
EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory)
EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)
ePUB (electronic PUBlication)
EQ (equals, equalizer, or EverQuest)
Equ (equal)
ERD (Emergency Repair Disk or Entity Relationship Diagram)
ERE (Extended Regular Expressions)
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning or Erotic Role Play)
ESA (Entertainment Software Association)
E-SATA (External SATA)
ESCD (Extended System Configuration Data)
ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge, Electronic Software Download, Electronic Software Distribution, or Electronic Software Delivery)
ESDI (Enhanced Small Disk Interface)
ESI (Enhanced Serial Interface)
ESP (E-mail Server Provider)
ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board)
ESX (Elastic Sky X)
ESXi (Elastic Sky X integrated)
ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival or Electronic Technicians Association)
ETA-I (Electronic Technicians Association International)
ETX (End-of-Text)
EULA (End-User License Agreement)
Eval (evaluate)
EVD (Enhanced Versatile Disc)
EV-DO (Evolution-Data Optimized or Evolution-Data Only)
EVP (Enhanced Virus Protection)
EWMH (Extended Window Manager Hints)
EXE (executable)
exFAT (extended File Allocation Table)

FDDI fiber-optic wires on network router

F (fahrenheit, Friday)
F2P (free-to-play)
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
FaaS (Function as a Service)
FAC (Feature Access Code)
FAD (Functioning As Designed)
Famicom (family computer)
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
FAST (Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling)
FAT (File Allocation Table)
FAU (File Allocation Unit)
Fav (favorite)
FB (Facebook, framebuffer, or feedback)
FBX (FilmBox)
FC (File Compare)
FCB (File Control Block)
FCBS (File Control Blocks)
FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
FCIP (Fibre Channel over IP)
FCIV (File Checksum Integrity Verifier)
FC-PGA (Flip-Chip Pin Grid Array)
FD (Floppy Drive, Floppy Diskette, or File Descriptor)
FDC (Floppy-Disk Controller)
FDD (Floppy Disk Drive)
FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface)
FDHP (Full Duplex Handshaking Protocol)
FDL (Firebase Dynamic Links)
FDX (Full duplex)
Feat (feature)
FEC (Forward Error Correction)
FEM (Finite Element Method)
FEP (Front-End Processor)
FeRAM (Ferroelectric RAM)
FF (Firefox, Fast Forward, Form Feed, or Friends Forever)
FFA (Free For All)
FFDT (FDDI Full Duplex Transmission)
FFI (Foreign Function Interface)
FFS (For F***'s Sake, FreeFall Sensor)
FHD (Full High Definition)
FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard)
FIF (Fractal Image Format)
FIFO (First In, First Out)
FiOS (Fiber Optic Service)
FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards)
Fixed (fixed-point)
FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec)
Flash (Adobe Flash)
Float (floating-point)
FLOPS (Floating-Point Operations Per Second)
FLV (FLash Video)
FM (Frequency Modulation)
FMCDH (From My Cold Dead Hands)
FML (Fu** My Life)
FMV (Full-Motion Video)
Fn (function)
FNBN (For Nerds By Nerds)
FNEA (Full Name and E-mail Address)
FNR (Format aNd Restore)
FOAD (Fu** Off And Die)
FOAF (Friend Of A Friend)
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)
FOIRL (Fiber-Optic Inter-Repeater Link)
FOLDOC (Free On-Line Dictionary Of Computing)
FOMA (Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access)
FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
FORTRAN (Formula Translation)
FOS (Father Over Shoulder)
FOSS (Free And Open-Source Software)
FP (Fast Page, FrontPage, or Functional Programming)
FPC (Free Pascal compiler)
FPD (Flat-Panel Display)
FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array)
FPM (Fast Page Mode)
FPROM (Field Programmable Read-Only Memory)
FPS (Frames Per Second or First-Person Shooter)
FPU (Floating-Point Unit)
FPV (First-Person View)
FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)
FR (Frame Relay or Frame Rate)
FRAM (Ferroelectric RAM)
FRU (Field-Replaceable Unit)
FS (File System)
FSB (Front-Side Bus)
Fsck (File System Check)
FSF (Free Software Foundation)
FSK (Frequency-Shift Keying)
FSM (Finite-State Machines or Female Seeking Male)
FSO (Free-Space Optical communication)
FSP (File Sharing Protocol)
FSSTND (FileSystem StaNDard)
Fstab (File systems table)
FSTN (Film SuperTwist Nematic)
Fstype (File system type)
FT (feet, FaceTime, featuring, For Trade)
FTAM (File Transfer, Access, and Management)
FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
FTFY (Fixed That For You)
FTL (For The Loss)
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secure)
FTTP (Fiber To The Premises)
FTW (For The Win)
FU (Fu** You)
FUBAR (F***ed Up Beyond All Repair, Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition, or Fouled Up Beyond All Repair)
FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)
FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace)
FVWM (F Virtual Window Manager)
FWH (FirmWare Hub)
FWIW (For What It's Worth)
FXML (FX Markup Language)
FYI (For Your Information)

GPU chip on a videocard.

G (giga or grin)
G+ (Google Plus)
G2G (good to go, got to go, or government to government)
GA (General Availabililty)
GaAs (Gallium Arsenide)
GAL (Get A Life)
GAM (Google Ad Manager)
GB (gigabit or gigabyte)
GBd (gigabaud)
GBIC (GigaBit Interface Converter)
Gbps (Gigabits per second)
GC (Garbage Collection)
GCC (GNU Compiler Collection)
GCD (Global CoolDown)
GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters)
GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
GCR (Group Code Recording)
GDDR (Graphics Double Data Rate)
GDI (Graphics Device Interface)
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
GE (General Electric or Greater than or Equal to)
Gear (Samsung Gear)
GEM (Graphics Environment Manager)
GenAI (Generative Artificial Intelligence)
GEOS (Graphic Environment Operating System, Goddard Earth Observing System, or Global Entity Online System)
GEQ (greater than or equal)
GF (GeForce or girlfriend)
GFG (Good Freaking Game)
GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
GFS (Global File System or Google File System)
GFU (Good For You)
GFX (graphics)
GG (Good Game)
GHz (Gigahertz)
GiB (gibibit or gibibyte)
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out)
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
GIMPS (Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search)
GIRLS (Generalized Information Retrieval Language and System)
GIS (Geographic Information System)
GIYF (Google Is Your Friend)
GKS (Graphical Kernel System)
GL (Good Luck)
GM (Game Masters, Gold Master, Golden Masters, Good Morning, or Good Manners)
Gmail (Google mail)
GMCH (Graphics and AGP Memory Control Hub)
GND (ground)
GNU (GNU's Not Unix)
GOAL (Game Object Assembly Lisp)
Goat (Greatest Of All Time)
GPF (General Protection Fault)
GPG (GNU Privacy Guard)
GPL (GNU General Public License)
GPMC (Group Policy Management Console)
GPO (Group Policy Object)
GPOS (General-Purpose Operating System)
GPPM (Graphic Pages Per Minute)
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)
GPS (Global Positioning System or General Problem Solver)
GPT (GUID Partition Table or Generative Pre-trained Transformer)
GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)
GR (Google Reader, Good Race, Good Round)
Gram (Instagram)
Gravatar (globally recognized avatar)
GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance or Gibson Research Corporation)
GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader)
GSM (Global System for Mobile communication)
GSX (Ground Storm X)
GT (Greater than or Greenwich Mean Time)
GTA (Grand Theft Auto)
GTFO (Get The Fu** Out)
GTG (Got To Go)
GTK (GIMP toolkit)
GTM (Google Tag Manager)
GTR (greater than or Got To Run)
GUI (Graphical User Interface)
GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier)
GvR (Guido van Robot)
GWAM (Gross Words A Minute)
GWC (Girls Who Code)
GWOB (Geeks Without Bounds)
GWPM (Gross Words Per Minute)
Gzip (GNU zip)

HDMI cable

H (hecto, height, hour, how)
HACMP (High Availability Cluster MultiProcessing)
HAK (Hugs And Kisses)
HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)
HAN (Home Area Network)
HARO (Help A Reporter Out)
HB (Hopebot, Hot Babe, or Hurry Back)
HBA (Host Bus Adapter)
HC (Host Controller or hardcore)
HCCB (High Capacity Color Barcode)
HCD (Host Controller Driver)
HCI (Human-Computer Interface)
HCL (Hardware Compatibility List or HashiCorp Configuration Language)
HCM (Human Capital Management)
HD (Hard Drive, High-Definition, or High-Density)
HDC (Hard Disk Controller)
HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection)
HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
HD DVD (High Density Digital Versatile Disc)
HDLC (High-level Data Link Control)
HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface)
HDML (Handheld Device Markup Language)
HDR (High Dynamic Range)
HD-ROM (High-Density Read-Only Memory)
HDSL (High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line)
HDTV (High-Definition TeleVision)
HDX (Half Duplex)
HEIC (High Efficiency Image Coding)
HEIF (High Efficiency Image File Format)
HES (Hypertext Editing System)
HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding)
Hex (hexadecimal)
HF (High-Frequency or Have Fun)
HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coax)
HFS (Hierarchical File System)
HGA (Hercules Graphics Adapter)
HGC (Hercules Graphics Card)
HHD (Hybrid Hard Drive)
HHDD (Hybrid Hard Drive)
HI (Human Intelligence)
HID (Human Interface Device)
Hiew (hacker's view)
HiFD (High capacity Floppy Disk)
Hi-res (high resolution)
HIT (Human Intelligence Task)
HKEY (Handle to registry Key)
HLL (High-Level Language)
HLS (Hue, Lightness, Saturation)
HMA (High-Memory Area)
HMU (Hit Me Up)
HOP (Half OPerator)
HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth)
HoT (Heal over Time)
HP (Hewlett-Packard or Hit Points)
HPA (High-Performance Addressing or Hidden Protected Area)
HPC (Handheld PC)
HPCC (High Performance Cluster Computing)
HPD (Hybrid Passive Display)
HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
HPET (High Precision Event Timer)
HPFS (High-Performance File System)
HP-GL (Hewlett-Packard Graphic Language)
HPGL (Hewlett-Packard Graphic Language)
HPSA (HP Support Assistant)
HP-UX (Hewlett-Packard Unix)
HQ (High-Quality or headquarters)
HR (Human Resources)
HREF (Hypertext REFerence)
HRMS (Human Resource Management System)
HRU (How Are You)
HSB (Hue, Saturation, and Brightness)
HSF (Heat Sink and Fan)
HSI (Hue, Saturation, and Intensity)
HSL (Hue, Saturation, and Lightness)
HSLA (Hue, Saturation, Lightness, and Alpha)
HSSI (High-Speed Serial Interface)
HSV (Hue, Saturation, and Value)
HSYNC (Horizontal Synchronization)
HT (Hyper-Threading or HyperTransport)
HTH (Hope That Helps)
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
HTPC (Home Theater Personal Computer)
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
HUD (Heads-Up Display)
HUH (Have You Heard)
HW (hardware or homework)
Hz (Hertz)

IEEE logo

I (Intel or italic)
I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
IA-32 (Intel Architecture 32)
IA-64 (Intel Architecture 64)
IAB (Internet Activities Board)
IAC (In Any Case or Interapplication communications)
IAD (Integrated Access Device)
IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)
IAP (Internet Access Provider)
IAPP (Inter-Access Point Protocol)
IBG (InterBlock Gap)
IC (Integrated Circuit or Integrated Chip)
IC3 (Internet Crime Complaint Center)
ICA (Independent Computing Architecture, or Integrated Communications Adapter)
Icacl (Integrity control access control list)
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)
ICC (International Color Consortium)
ICCCM (Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual)
ICCP (Institute for Certification of Computer Professionals)
ICH (I/O Controller Hub)
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
ICO (icon or Initial Coin Offering)
iCOMP (Intel COmparative Microprocessor Performance)
ICRA (Internet Content Rating Association)
ICS (Internet Connection Sharing)
ICT (Information and Communications Technology or International Computers and Tabulators)
ICU (Instruction Cache Unit, Interface Converter Unit, ISA Configuration Utility, or Interactive Chart Utility)
ID (identification)
IDC (Insulation Displacement Contact or Insulation Displacement Connector)
IDE (Integrated Development Environment, Integrated Drive Electronics, or Integrated Desktop Environment)
IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm)
IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment)
IDMS (Integrated Database Management System)
IDPS (Intrusion Detection Prevention System)
IDS (Intrusion Detection System)
IDSL (Integrated Digital Subscriber Line)
IE (Internet Explorer)
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
IEN (Internet Experiment Note, Internet Engineering Notes, or Image-Enabled Netware)
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
IF (Interactive Fiction)
IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing)
IFTF (Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation)
IFTTT (IF This Then That)
IG (Instagram, In Game, I Guess, ignore, or ignorant)
IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification)
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)
IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol, Interior routing protocol, or Integrated Graphics Processor)
IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
IHA (Intel Hub Architecture)
IIC (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
IID (Internet IDentity)
IIL (Integrated Injection Logic)
IIS (Internet Information Server)
IK (Inverse Kinematics)
IKR (I Know Right)
ILP (Instruction Level Parallelism)
ILU (I Love You)
IM (Instant Message, Instant Messenger, Instant Messaging, or ImageMagick)
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
IMDb (Internet Movie Database)
IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
IMHO (In My Honest Oppinion)
IMO (In My Opinion)
IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity)
INC (incorporated, or incoming)
INCITS (International Committee for Information Technology Standards)
Inetd (Internet service daemon)
Info (information)
INIT (initializaton or initialize)
Inode (index node)
Int (integer)
INTA (INTernational Trademark Association or INTerrupt Acknowledge)
Internet (interconnected network)
INTR (interrupt)
I/O (Input/Output)
IOC (Input/Output Controller)
IOCCC (Internet Obfuscated C Code Contest)
IoE (Internet of Everything)
IOPS (Input/output Operations Per Second)
IOS (Input/Output Supervisor or Internetworking Operating System)
IoT (Internet of Things)
IOW (Input/Output Wait)
IP (Internet Protocol, Ingress Protection, or Intellectual Property)
IPB (Illustrated Parts Breakdown)
IPC (InterProcess Communication or Instructions Per Cycle)
IPD (InterPupillary Distance)
IPF (Invalid Page Fault)
IPFS (InterPlanetary File System)
IPL (Initial Program Load or Information Processing Language)
IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface)
IPng (Internet Protocol next generation)
IPOS (Input, Processing, Output, and Storage or IP Over Satellite)
IPP (Internet Presence Provider)
IP Rating (Ingress Protection Rating)
IPS (In-Panel Switching or Intrusion Prevention System)
IPsec (Internet Protocol security)
IPTO (Information Processing Technology Office)
IPTV (Internet Protocol TeleVision)
IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4)
IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6)
IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange)
IPX/SPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange)
IR (infrared, or Information Retrieval)
IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
IrDA (Infrared Data Association)
IRG (InterRecord Gap)
IRGB (Intensity-Red-Green-Blue)
IRL (In Real Life)
IRQ (Interrupt ReQuest)
IS (Image Stabilization, Information Services, or Information Systems)
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture or Instruction Set Architecture)
ISACA (Information System Audit and Control Association)
ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method)
ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface)
ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol)
ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
ISC (Internet Systems Consortium)
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
ISI (Information Sciences Institute or Instruction Storage Interrupt)
ISIS (Image and Scanner Interface Specification, Infinitely Scalable Intelligent Storage, Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers, or Intel System Implementation Supervisor)
ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
ISP (Internet Service Provider)
ISR (Interrupt Service Routine)
ISSE (Internet Streaming SIMD Extensions)
ISV (Independent Software Vendor)
IT (Information Technology or Iran Time)
ITA (I Totally Agree or International Telegraph Alphabet)
ITC (International Typeface Corporation)
ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)
ITQ (Information Technology Qualification)
ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
ITX (Information Technology eXtended)
IV (Initialization Vector)

JPG file

JAR (Java archive)
Java EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition)
JCL (Job Control Language)
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
JDK (Java Development Kit)
JEDEC (Joint Electron Device Engineering Council)
JFS (Journaling File System)
JFT (Job File Table)
JHTML (Java within HTML)
JIL (Java Intermediate Language or Joint Innovation Lab)
JIT (Just-In-Time)
JNI (Java Native Interface)
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
JRE (Java Runtime Environment)
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
JSP (JavaServer Pages)
JSR (Jump to SubRoutine)
JTAG (Joint Test Action Group)
JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
JXA (JavaScript for Automation)

Green letter K and pink letter B.

K (kilobit, OK)
KB (kilobit, kilobyte, keyboard, or knowledge base)
kBd (kilobaud)
Kbps (kilobits per second)
KDE (K Desktop Environment)
kHz (kilohertz)
KiB (kibibyte)
Kib (kibibit)
kilo (one thousand)
KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)
KIT (Keep In Touch)
KM (Knowledge Machine)
KMDF (Kernel-Mode Driver Framework)
KOS (Kill On Sight)
KPC (Keep Parents Clueless)
KR (Knowledge Representation)
KRR (Knowledge Representation and Reasoning)
KS (Kill Stealing)
KSR (Keyboard Send and Receive)
KVM (Keyboard, Video, and Mouse or Kernel-based Virtual Machine)

LTE logo

L (loss or loser)
L2 (level 2 cache)
L2P (learn to play)
L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol)
LAME (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder)
LAN (Local Area Network)
LAPM (Link Access Procedure for Modems)
Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)
LAWN (Local Area Wireless Network)
LBA (Large Block Addressing)
LBS (Location-Based Service)
LC (lowercase)
LCC (Leadless Chip Carrier)
LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display)
LCDP (Low-Code Development Platform)
LD (laserdisc)
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
LDT (Lightning Data Transfer)
LE (Less than or Equal to)
LED (Light-Emitting Diode)
LEQ (Less than or equal)
LF (Line Feed or Low-Frequency)
LFAP (Light-weight Flow Admission Protocol)
LFD (Login Failure Daemon)
LFG (Looking For Group)
LFM (Looking For More)
LFN (Long File Name)
LG (Life's Good)
LGA (Land Grid Array)
LGPL (Lesser General Public License)
LH (Loadhigh)
LI (List Item)
LIF (Low Insertion Force)
Li-Fi (Light Fidelity)
LIFO (Last In, First Out)
Li-ion (Lithium-ion)
LILO (Last In Last Out or Linux loader)
Li-polymer (Lithium-polymer)
LIPS (Linear Inferences Per Second or LInux Phone Standard)
LISP (LISt Processor)
LKGC (Last Known Good Configuration)
LLC (Limited Liability Company or Logical Link Control)
LLM (Large Language Model or Logic Learning Machine)
LLVM (Low-Level Virtual Machine)
LMIRL (Let's Meet In Real Life)
LMK (Let Me Know)
LMS (Learning Management System)
LNP (Local Number Portability)
LOD (Level Of Detail)
LOF (Loss Of Frame)
LOL (Laugh Out Loud, League of Legends, Lots Of Love, or Lots Of Luck)
Lo-res (low-resolution)
LOS (Line of Sight or Loss of signal)
Low-res (low-resolution)
LP (LastPass, Long Play, or Low Profile)
LPAR (Logical PARtition)
LPB (Low Ping Bi***)
LPD (Line Printer Daemon)
LPI (Lines Per Inch or Low Probability of Interception)
LPM (Lines Per Minute)
LPS (Library Programs Service)
LPT (Line Printer Terminal)
LPWAN (Low-Power Wide-Area Network)
LPX (Lean Packet eXchange or Low Profile eXtension)
LQ (Letter-Quality)
LQTM (Laughing Quietly To Myself)
LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check)
LRDIMM (Load-Reduced Dual Inline Memory Module)
LRU (Line Replaceable Unit or Least Recently Used)
LSB (Least Significant Bit or Linux Standard Base)
LSC (Least Significant Character)
LSD (Least Significant Digit)
LSG (Live Service Game)
LSI (Large-Scale Integration)
LSP (Layered Service Provider or Link State Packet)
LSS (less than)
LT (Less Than, Logic Theorist, LanguageTool, or Linear Technology)
LTE (Long-Term Evolution)
LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project)
LU (Logic Unit or Logical Unit)
Luser (Local user)
LUT (LookUp Table)
LVL (level)
LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment)
LZ (Landing Zone)

100 Mbps

m (milli, month, Monday)
M- (meta key)
MAC (Media Access Control or Macintosh)
Macro (macroinstruction)
MAE (Metropolitan Area Ethernet)
mAH (milliamp hour)
MAN (Manual or Metropolitan Area Network)
MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface)
MAPS (Mail Abuse Prevention Systems)
MAR (Memory Address Register)
Matlab (matrix laboratory)
Matrix (Matrix code)
MAU (Media Access Unit or Monthly Active Users)
Max (Maximize or Maximum)
MB (Megabit, Megabyte, or Motherboard)
MBAM (Malwarebytes)
MBd (megabaud)
MBean (Managed Beans)
MBL (Microcomputer-Based Labs)
MBP (MacBook Pro)
Mbps (Megabits per second or Megabytes per second)
MBR (Master Boot Record)
MC (Megacycle, Multiple Choice)
MCA (Micro Channel Architecture)
MCDRAM (Multi-Channel Direct Random Access Memory)
MCF (Multimedia Container Format)
MCGA (Memory Controller Gate Array or Multi-Color Graphics Array)
MCI (Media Control Interface)
MCITP (Microsoft Certified IT Professional)
MCQ (Multiple Choice Question)
MCSA (Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator)
MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer)
MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer)
MCTS (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist)
MD (MiniDisc, Make Directory, or markdown)
MDA (Monochrome Display Adapter)
MDBMS (Multidimensional Database Management System)
MDC (Mobile Daughter Card or Modification Detection Code)
MDF (Main Distribution Frame)
MDG (Mobility Development Group)
MDI (Multiple-Document Interface)
MDRAM (Multibank DRAM)
Memo (Memorandum)
MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)
MFCL (Microsoft Foundation Class Library)
Mflop (Megaflop)
MFM (Modified Frequency Modulation)
MFP (MultiFunction Printer)
MFT (Master File Table)
Mget (Multiple get)
MHTML (MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents, such as HTML)
MHz (Megahertz)
MIA (Missing In Action)
Mib (Mebibit)
MiB (Mebibyte)
MIB (Management Information Base)
MIC (Microphone, Microfloppy Industry Committee, or Message Integrity Check)
MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition)
Microsoft MVP (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional)
Mid (MIDI file extension, middle)
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
MIL (military, million, or Mother-In-Law)
MILNET (MILitary NETwork)
MIMD (Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data)
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
MIMO (Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output)
Min (minimum)
MIN (Mobile Identification Number)
MIP (Math Input Panel)
MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages or Millions of Instructions Per Second)
MIR (Mail In Rebate)
MIRL (Meet In Real Life)
MIS (Management Information System)
MISTP (Multi-Instance STP)
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
MITM (Man-In-The-Middle)
MITMA (Man-In-The-Middle Attack)
MITS (Micro Instrumentation & Telemetry Systems)
Mk (make)
MKB (Microsoft KnowledgeBase)
Mkdir (make directory)
MKE (Matsushita Kotobuki Electronics)
MKV (Matroska Multimedia Container)
ML (Machine Learning, Machine Language, Markup Language, or metalanguage)
MLG (Major League Gaming)
MMC (MultiMediaCard or Microsoft Management Console)
MMCD (MultiMedia Compact Disc)
MMI (Man Machine Interface)
MMO (Massively-Multiplayer Online)
MMORPG (Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)
MMS (Multimedia Message Service)
MMU (Memory Management Unit)
MMX (MultiMedia eXtension)
MNO (Mobile Network Operator)
MNP (Microcom Network Protocol)
MO (Magneto-Optic)
MOAB (Mother Of All Breaches)
MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena)
Moblog (mobile blog)
Mod (modulo)
Model no. (model number)
Modem (modulator/demodulator)
MO diskette (Magneto-Optical diskette)
Mofo (Mozilla Foundation)
MO recording (Magneto-Optical recording)
MOS (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)
MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor)
MotD (Message of the Day)
MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor)
MP (megapixel, multiplayer, multiprocessor, or Mana Point)
MPA (Motion Picture Association)
MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America)
MPC (Multimedia Personal Computer)
MPDL (Music Parameter Description Language)
MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)
MPI (Message Passing Interface)
MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching)
MPP (Massively Parallel Processing)
Mput (multiple put)
MR (Mixed Reality, Memory Recall, or magnetoresistive)
MRAM (Magneto resistive RAM)
MRP (Materials Requirement Planning)
MRU (Maximum Receive Unit)
MRUD (Most Recently Used Directory)
MS (millisecond, Microsoft, memory stick, or memory store)
MSAU (MultiStation Access Unit)
MSB (Most Significant Bit or Most Significant Byte)
MSC (Mass Storage Class, Mobile Switching Center, Message Sequence Chart, Most Significant Character, Multiple Systems Coupling, or Mass Storage Control)
MSCS (Microsoft Cluster Server)
MSD (Microsoft Diagnostics or Most Significant Digit)
MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network)
MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System)
MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials)
MSF (Male Seeking Female)
MSI (Medium-Scale Integration, Micro-Star International, Microsoft Installer)
MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer)
MSKB (Microsoft KnoweldgeBase)
MSN (Microsoft Network)
MSP (Management Service Provider)
MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price)
MSVC (Microsoft Visual C++)
MT (Moluccas or mistell)
MTA (Mail Transfer Agent or Message Transfer Agent)
MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure)
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit)
MTX (microtransaction)
MUD (Multi-User Dungeon)
MUI (Multi-User Interface)
MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System)
MUT (Mauritius Time or MultiUser Talk)
Mutex (mutual exclusion object)
MUX (multiplexer)
MV (move)
MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator)
MVP (Most Valuable Player or Most Valuable Professional)
MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage)
MXML (Macromedia FleX Markup Language)
MX record (Mail eXchange record)
MYOB (Mind Your Own Business)

Network Interface Card or NIC

N (nano)
N/A (Not Applicable or Not Available)
NA (North American, Not Applicable, or Not Available)
NAK (Negative AcKnowledgment)
NaN (Not a Number)
NAP (Network Access Protection)
NAPT (Network Address Port Translation)
NAS (Network Access Server or Network-Attached Storage)
NASM (Netwide Assembler)
NAT (Network Address Translation)
NBD (No Big Deal)
NCDP (No-Code Development Platform)
NCP (NetWare Core Protocol or Network Control Protocol)
NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)
NCSC (National Cybersecurity Center)
NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)
NDAS (Network Direct Attached Storage)
NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification)
NDR (Non-Destructive Readout, Network Data Representation, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, or Non-active, Dormant, to be Removed)
NDRO (Non-Destructive ReadOut)
NDS (NetWare Directory Services)
ne (Not Equal)
NEAT (New Enhanced Advanced Technology)
NEC (Nippon Electronics Company or National Electrical Code)
NEM (New Economic Movement)
NEQ (Not EQual to)
NER (Named-Entity Recognition)
Net (network)
NetBEUI (NetBIOS Enhanced User Interface)
NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System)
NFC (Near-Field Communication)
NFR (Not For Resale)
NFS (Network File System or Need for Speed)
NFT (Non-Fungible Token)
NG (NewsGroup)
NGL (Not Gonna Lie)
NIC (Network Interface Card or Network Information Center)
NiCad (Nickel-Cadmium)
NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System)
NII (National Information Infrastructure)
NIM (No Internal Message)
Ni-MH (Nickel-Metal Hydride)
NiMH (Nickel-Metal Hydride)
Nimrod (National Institute Machine Radiating On Downs)
NIP (Non-Impact Printer)
N-ISDN (Narrowband ISDN)
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
NIT (Network Information Table or Network Interface Tap)
*NIX (Linux or Unix)
NLE (Non-Linear Editing or Non-Linear video Editing)
NLP (Natural Language Processing)
NLQ (Near Letter-Quality)
NLS (online system)
NLX (New Low profile eXtended)
NM (nanometer, Never Mind, Not Much, Nothing Much, No Message)
NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt)
NMS (Network Management Software)
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)
NOBUS (Nobody But Us)
NO-OP (NO-OPeratation)
NOR (Not-Or)
NOS (Network Operating System)
NP (No Problem, Noun Phrase, Netflix Party, or Nondeterministic Polynomial)
NPAC (Number Portability Administration Center)
NPAPI (Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface)
NP-C (NP-Complete)
NPC (Non-Player Character, Non-Playable Character, Non-Printing Character, or NP-Complete)
NPP (Notepad++ and NVIDIA Performance Primitives)
NPU (Neural Processing Unit)
NRN (No Response Necessary)
NRT (Non-Real Time)
NRZ (Non-Return-to-Zero)
NS (Nanosecond, Name Server, Network Security, Namespace, Nice Shot, or Not Sure)
NSA (National Security Agency)
NSAC (National Security Advice Centre)
NSAP (Network Service Access Point)
NSFL (Not Safe For Life)
NSFNET (National Science Foundation Network)
NSFW (Not Safe For Work)
NSP (Name Server Protocol, Network Service Provider, or News Service Provider)
NSPA (Network Service Point Address)
NSSN (National Standards Systems Network)
NTFS (NTFS File System)
NTLDR (NT loader)
NTN (Network Terminal Number)
NTP (Network Time Protocol)
NTSC (National Television System Committee)
NTWY (noteworthy)
NUC (Next Unit of Computing)
Num (number)
NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access)
NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline)
NV (non-volatile or NVIDIA)
NVM (never mind or Non-Volatile Memory)
NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express)
NVRAM (Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory)
NWAM (Net Words A Minute or NetWork Auto Magic)
NWPM (Net Words Per Minute)

OEM or original equipment manufacturer

O (Oh)
OA (Office Automation)
OB (Open Beta or Open Broadcaster)
OBJ (object)
OBS (Open Broadcaster Software)
OC (Optical Carrier or overclock)
OCR (Optical Character Recognition or Optical Character Reader)
Oct (Octal)
OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation)
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
ODG (OpenDocument Graphic)
ODI (Open Data-link Interface)
ODP (OverDrive Processor)
ODPR (OverDrive Processor Replacement)
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
OG (Original Gangster)
OHCI (Open Host Controller Interface)
OID (Object IDentifier)
OIN (Open Invention Network)
OIS (Optical Image Stabilization)
OLAP (OnLine Analytical Processing)
OLE (Object Linking and Embedding or OnLine English)
OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode)
OLPC (One Laptop Per Child)
OLTP (OnLine Transaction Processing)
OMFG (Oh My Fu**ing God)
OMR (Optical Mark Reading)
OMW (On My Way)
OO (Object-Oriented or OpenOffice)
OOC (Out-Of-Character)
OOF (out of the office)
OOM (Out Of Mana)
OOO (Out Of the Office)
OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)
OOPL (Object-Oriented Programming Language)
OOTO (Out Of The Office)
OP (operation, operator, opinion, original poster, or overpowered)
Open (open-source)
OpenAL (Open Audio Library)
OpenGL (Open Graphics Library)
OPS (Operations Per Second)
OR (OR operator or operation research)
OS (Operating System)
OSC (Open Sound Control)
OSD (On-Screen Display, Object-based Storage Device, or Open Source Definition)
OSF (Open Software Foundation)
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
OSI (Open Systems Interconnection or Open-Source Initiative)
OSK (On-Screen Keyboard)
OSP (Online Service Provider)
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
OSR (OEM Service Release)
OSRI (Operating System ReInstall)
OSS (Open-Source Software or Operations Support Systems)
OSTA (Optical Storage Technology Association)
OTDR (Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer)
OTFE (On-The-Fly Encryption)
OTG (On-The-Go, Off The Grid, or Oh, Thank God)
OTL (Office of Technology Licensing)
OTOH (On The Other Hand)
OTP (On The Phone, One-Time Password, or One-Time Programmable)
OTS (Over-The-Shoulder)
OTW (On The Way)
OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier)
OVP (Online Video Platform)
OVR (overtype mode)
OW (Overwatch)
OWASP (Open Worldwide Application Security Project)
OWC (Optical Wireless Communication or Office Web Components)

PCB or printed circuit board

P (peta or pico)
P2W (pay-to-win)
Pa (pause or Power Automate)
PaaS (Platform as a Service)
PAC (proxy auto config or PCI/AGP Controller)
PAD (Packet Assembler/Disassembler or Power Automate Desktop)
PAE (Physical Address Extension)
PAL (Phase Alternating Line or Parents Are Listening)
PAN (Personal Area Network)
PARC (Palo Alto Research Center)
Parm (parameter)
Passwd (password)
PAT (Port Address Translation)
PATA (Parallel AT Attachment)
PAW (Parents Are Watching)
PAX (portable archive interchange)
Pb (petabit)
PB (Packard Bell or petabyte)
PBX (Private Branch eXtension or Private Branch eXchange)
PC (Personal Computer, Player Character, pica)
PCB (Printed Circuit Board)
PC-DOS (Personal Computer Disk operating system)
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)
PCI-E (PCI Express)
PCIe (PCI Express)
PCI-X (Peripheral Component Interconnect Extended)
PCL (Printer Command Language)
PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation)
PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association)
P-code (pseudocode, packed code, portable code)
PCS (Personal Communications Service)
PD (Page Down, Page Down key, Public Domain)
PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
PDC (Primary Domain Controller)
PDF (Portable Document Format or Package Definition File)
PDL (Page Description Language)
PDoS (Permanent Denial-of-Service)
PDP (Programmed Data Processor)
PDU (Protocol Data Unit)
PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository)
PEBCAC (Problem Exists Between Chair and Computer)
PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair)
PEGI (Pan-European Game Information)
PEL (Picture ELement)
PEMDAS (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally)
PEP (Packet Ensemble Protocol)
Permalink (permanent link)
PET (Personal Electronic Transactor)
PFP (ProFile Picture)
PG (Parental Guidance)
PGA (Pin Grid Array, Professional Graphics Adapter, or Professional Golf Association)
Pg Dn (Page Down or Page Down key)
PGDN (Page Down or Page Down key)
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
PGUP (Page Up or Page Up key)
Pg Up (Page Up or Page Up key)
PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)
PiB (pebibyte)
PIC (picture, Programmable Interrupt Controller, or picosecond)
PICNIC (Problem In Chair Not In Computer)
PICO (PIne COmposer)
PICS (Platform for Internet Content Selection)
PID (Process IDentifier or Product IDentification)
PIF (Program Information File)
PII (Pentium 2 or Personally Identifiable Information)
PIIX (PCI IDE Xcelerator)
PIM (Personal Information Management or Protocol Independent Multicast)
PIN (Personal Identification Number)
PIO (Programmed Input/Output)
PIOC (Peripheral Input/Output Controller)
PIR (Parent In Room)
PIT (Programmable Interval Timer)
PK (jumperpark or Player Killing)
PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)
PL (Power Leveling)
PLA (PolyLactic Acid)
PLBCAK (Problem Lies Between Chair & Keyboard)
PLBKAC (Problem Lies Between Keyboard & Chair)
PLCC (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier)
PLED (Power LED)
PLS (please)
PLT (Programming Language Team)
Plus (Microsoft Plus!)
PLZ (please)
PM (Private Message, Personal Message, Power Management, Presentation Manager, Preventive Maintenance, Post Meridiem, or Polarization Maintaining)
P-machine (pseudomachine)
PMF (Polarization Maintaining Fiber)
PMS (Pantone Matching System)
PN (Part Number)
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
PnP (Plug and Play or Party and Play)
POD (Plain Old Documentation or Print On Demand)
PoE (Point of Entry or Power over Ethernet)
POG (Play Of Game)
POP (Post office Protocol or Point of Presence)
PoS (Proof-of-Stake)
POS (Packet over SONET, Parent over Shoulder, Point-of-Sale, position, or Piece Of Sh**)
POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for Unix)
POST (Power-On Self-Test)
POTS (Plain Old Telephone System)
POV (Point Of View)
PoW (Proof-of-Work)
Power PC (Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC Performance Computing, PowerPC)
PP (PowerPoint)
PPC (Pay-Per-Click, Pocket PC, Peercoin, or PowerPC)
PPGA (Plastic Pin Grid Array)
PPH (Pages Per Hour)
PPI (Pixels Per Inch)
PPM (Pages Per Minute or Perl Package Manager)
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)
PPS (Privacy Policy Statement)
PPT (PowerPoint)
PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunnel Protocol)
PR (Pagerank or Press Release)
PRAM (Parameter RAM)
Printf (print formatted)
PRISM (Planning Tool for Resource Integration, Synchronization, and Management)
Privmsg (private message)
PRN (printer)
PRNG (PseudoRandom Number Generator)
Proglog (progress log)
Prolog (Programming in Logic)
PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory)
PRTSC (Print Screen key)
PrtScrn or Prt Scrn (Print Screen key)
PS (Photoshop, PlayStation, PostScipt, power supply, PowerShell, or print screen)
PS/2 (Personal System/2)
PS2 (PlayStation 2)
PS3 (PlayStation 3)
PS4 (PlayStation 4)
PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test)
PSB (Photoshop Big or Photoshop Large Document Format)
PSBL (Passive Spam Block List)
PSD (Photoshop document)
PSE (Photoshop Elements)
PSK (Pre-Shared Key)
PSoC (Programmable System on a Chip)
PSP (PlayStation Portable, Python Server Pages, Paint Shop Pro)
PSR (Problem Steps Recorder)
PST (Pacific Standard Time, Please Send Tell, Personal Store)
PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)
PSU (Power Supply Unit)
PSX (PlayStation)
PTM (Pseudo-Terminal Master)
PTQL (Program Trace Query Language)
PTR (Public Test Realm or Pointer record)
PTS (PseudoTerminal Slave)
PTY (pseudoterminal)
PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom)
PU (Page Up or Page Up key)
PU (Physical Unit)
PUBG (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds)
PUG (PickUp Group)
PVCS (Polytron Version Control System)
PvE (Player vs. Environment)
PvP (Player vs. Player)
PVR (Personal Video Recorder)
PW (password or power)
PWA (Progressive Web Application)
PWD (Print Working Directory or password)
PWRSW (power switch)
PWS (Personal Web Server)
Px (pixel)
PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment)
PXI (PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation)

QR code

Q (quality, quecto, question, or quetta)
Q&A (Questions and Answers)
QA (Quality Assurance)
QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)
QAT (Quick Access Toolbar)
QBE (Query By Example)
QDR (Quad Data Rate)
QHD (Quad High Definition)
QIC (Quarter-Inch Cartridge)
QLED (Quantum-dot Light Emitting Diode)
QMAC (Quad Media Access Controller)
QML (Qt Modeling Language)
QnA (Questions and Answers)
QoS (Quality of Service)
QPB (Quad Pumped Bus)
QPI (QuickPath Interconnect)
QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying)
QQ (Quick Question, quit)
QR Code (Quick Response Code)
QSXGA (Quad Super Extended Graphics Array)
QT (Quasar Technologies, QuickTime, or Quit Talking)
QVCS (Quma Version Control System)
QXGA (Quad Extended Graphics Array)

Back of RFID

R (Thursday, ronna, rotate)
RAD (Rapid Application Development)
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service)
RADSL (Rate-Adaptive DSL)
RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
RAM (Random-Access Memory)
RAMAC (Random-Access Method of Accounting and Control)
RAMDAC (Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter)
RAP (Route Access Protocol)
RAR (Roshal ARchive)
RARE (Reseaux Associates Pour la Recherche Europeene)
RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
RAS (Remote Access Server, Remote Access Service, Row Address Select, or Row Access Strobe)
RAT (Remote Access Trojan)
RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)
RBL (Real-time Blackhole List)
RC (Release Candidate, Remote Connection, Remote Control, or Run Commands)
RCE (Remote Code Execution, Reverse Code Engineering, or Regional Coding Enhancement)
RCL (recall)
RCS (Rich Communication Services or Revision Control System)
RCW (Runtime Callable Wrapper)
RD (Recursion Desired)
RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System)
RDF (Resource Description Framework)
RDIMM (Registered DIMM)
RDM (Random DeathMatch)
RDMS (Report Distribution Management System)
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
RDQL (RDF Data Query Language)
RDRAM (Rambus Dynamic Random-Access Memory)
REC (receive, record, or recording)
ReFS (Resilient File System)
Regex (regular expression)
Rel (release)
REM (remark)
REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop)
REST (Representational State Transfer)
RF (Radio Frequency or Royalty-Free)
RFC (Request For Comments)
RFI (Radio-Frequency Interference or Request For Information)
RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification)
RFP (Request For Proposal)
RF shielding (Radio Frequency shielding)
RGB (Red, Green, and Blue)
RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha)
RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer)
RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)
RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America)
RIP (Raster Image Processor, Raster Image Process, or Routing Information Protocol)
RIPE notes (Reseaux IP Europeens notes)
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing)
RJ-45 (Registered Jack-45)
RL (Real Life)
RLE (Run-Length Encoding)
RLL encoding (Run-Length Limited encoding)
RLP (Resource Location Protocol)
RMA (Return Materials Authorization)
RMB (Right Mouse Button)
RMS (Root Mean Square)
RMT (Real Money Trade)
RN (Right Now, ReadNews)
RO (Receive Only)
ROM (Read-Only Memory)
ROM BIOS (Read-Only Memory Basic Input/Output System)
RO terminal (Read-Only terminal)
RP (Rating Pending, Restore Point, or Role-Playing)
RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
RPG (Role-Playing Game, Report Program Generator, or Raster Pattern Generator)
RPM (Revolutions Per Minute, Red Hat Package Manager, or RPM Package Manager)
RQ (request, ragequit, or real quick)
RRAS (Routing and Remote Access Service)
RRD (Removable Rigid Disk)
RS-449 (Recommended Standard-449)
RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adelman)
RSAC (Recreational Software Advisory Council)
RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools or Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools)
RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)
RSL (Rambus Signaling Level)
RSS (Really Simple Syndication, or Relay Spam Stopper)
RT (Real-Time or retweet)
RTC (Real-Time Clock or Real-Time Collaboration)
RTCP (Real-time Control Protocol)
RTDM (Read The Damn Manual)
RTF (Rich Text Format)
RTFM (Read The Fu***** Manual)
RTM (Release To Manufacturing)
RTO (Return To Office)
RTOS (Real-Time Operating System)
RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol)
RTR (RARE Technical Report)
RTS (Real-Time Strategy or Request To Send)
RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol)
RTTTL (Ringing Tone Text Transfer Language)
RTW (Release To Web)
RU (Registry Usage)
RUT (are you there)
RvR (Realm vs. Realm)
RWD (Responsive Web Design)
RxD (Received Data)

SAN or storage area network

S (Saturday, smile)
S2R (send to receive)
SA (Simulated Annealing or System Administrator)
SaaS (Software as a Service)
SACD (Super Audio CD)
SAN (Storage Area Network)
SANE (Standard Apple Numeric Environment or Scanner Access Now Easy)
SAP (Service Advertising Protocol, Session Announcement Protocol, Systems Applications and Products, or System Analysis and Program)
SAS (Serial Attached SCSI or Standalone Server)
SATA (Serial AT Attachment)
SATA-IO (Serial ATA International Organization)
SATAN (Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks)
SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave)
SB (SoundBlaster or Sugar Baby)
SBD (Smart Battery Data)
SBE (Small Business Edition)
SBOM (Software Bill Of Materials)
SC (Service Controller, StarCraft, or Supercomputing Conference)
SCA (Single Connector Attachment)
Scanf (scan formatted)
SCAT (Single-Chip Advanced Technology)
SCC (Serial Communications Controller or Shipping Container Code)
SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager)
SCCS (Source Code Control System)
SCM (Supply Chain Management)
SCOM (System Center Operations Manager)
SCP (secure copy)
ScrLk (Scroll Lock key)
SCSI (Small Computer System Interface)
SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
SCU (Storage Control Unit)
SD (Secure Digital, Single-sided Diskette, Single-density Diskette, Standard Definition, Sugar Daddy, or Super Density)
SDA (SD Card Association)
SDDL (Security Descriptor Definition Language)
SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy)
SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity)
SDK (Software Development Kit)
SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control or Systems Development Life Cycle)
SDLT (Super Digital Linear Tape)
SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory)
SDSC (Secure Digital Standard Capacity)
SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
SDU (Service Data Unit)
SDUC (Secure Digital Ultra Capacity)
SDXC (Secure Digital eXtended Capacity)
SE (Search Engine or Second Edition)
SEA (Self-Extracting Archive or System Enhanced Associates)
Sec (second)
SECC (Single Edge Contact Cartridge)
SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux)
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Serial no. (serial number)
SERP (Search Engine Results Page)
Servlet (Java servlet)
SETI (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence)
Setuid (set user ID on execution)
Sexp or sexpr (s-expression)
SFC (System File Checker)
SFF (Small Form Factor)
SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol or SSH File Transfer Protocol)
SFW (Safe For Work)
SFX (special effects, or sound effects)
SGD (Speech-Generating Device)
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
SGRAM (Synchronous Graphics RAM)
SH (Sh** Happens)
S-HTTP (Secure HTTP)
SHV (Safe High-Voltage)
SI (Le Système International d'Unités or Silicon)
SID (Security IDentifier)
SIG (signature or Special Interest Group)
SIGINT (SIGnal INTerrupt or SIGnals INTelligence)
SIM (simulation, Subscriber Identity Module)
SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data)
SIMM (Single In-line Memory Module)
SIO (Super Input/Output)
SIP (Single In-line Package or Session Initiation Protocol)
SIPP (Single In-line Pin Package)
SK (Spawn Kill)
SLA (Sealed Lead-Acid, or Service-Level Agreement)
SLD (Second-Level Domain)
SLI (Scalable Link Interface)
SLIC (Subscriber Line Interface Card)
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol)
SLM (Small Language Model)
Slogin (secure login)
Slotket (socket adapter)
SLSI (Super-Large-Scale Integration)
SM (SmartMedia or Service Mark)
SMA (S-band Multiple Access)
SMAR (Source Memory Address Register)
SMART (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology)
SMB (Server Message Block, System Management Bus, Small and Midsize Business, or Super Mario Bros.)
SMBus (System Management Bus)
SM card (SmartMedia card)
SMH (Shake My Head)
SMI (System Management Interrupt, or Simple Mail Interface)
SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language)
SMM (System Management Mode)
SMP (Symmetric MultiProcessing)
SMPS (Switched-Mode Power Supply)
SMRAM (System Management RAM)
SMS (Short Message Service, Storage Management Subsystem, or Systems Management Server)
SMT (Surface-Mount Technology)
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
SN (Serial Number or surname)
SNA (Systems Network Architecture)
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
SNOBOL (string oriented and symbolic language)
SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture or Start Of Authority)
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
SoC (System on a Chip)
SO-DIMM (Small Outline Dual In-line Memory Module)
SOHO (Small Office/Home Office)
SOI (Silicon On Insulator)
SOJ DRAM (Small Outline J-lead Dual In-line Memory Module)
SOL (Solitaire, S*** Out of Luck, or Simple Object Language)
SONET (Synchronous Optical NETworking)
SOP (Super OPerator or Standard Operating Procedure)
SORBS (Spam and Open Relay Blocking System)
Source (source code)
SP (Service Pack, Slave Present, or spelling)
SPARC (Scalar Processor ARChitecture)
SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language)
SPD (Serial Presence Detection)
S/PDIF (Sony and Phillips Digital Interconnect Format)
Spec (specification)
SPGA (Staggered Pin Grid Array)
SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface, Stateful Packet Inspection, or System Packet Interface)
SPIM (SPam over Instant Message)
SPIT (SPam over Internet Telephony)
SPL (Systems Programming Language)
splogs (spam blogs)
SPOF (Single Point Of Failure)
Spool (Simultaneous Peripheral Operatings Online)
SPP (Standard Parallel Port)
SPS (Standby Power Supply)
SPX (Sequenced Packet eXchange)
SQL (Structured Query Language)
SRAM (Static Random-Access Memory)
SS (screenshot, SuperSpeed, Screen Saver, Solid-State, StackSegment, submission statement, Surround Sound, or Selfie Sunday)
SSAP (Source Service Access Point)
SSD (Solid-State Drive)
SSE (Simple Sharing Extension or Streaming SIMD Extensions)
SSEM (Small-Scale Experimental Machine)
SSH (Secure SHell)
SSHD (Solid-State Hybrid Drive)
SSI (Server-Side Include or Small-Scale Integration)
SSID (Service Set IDentifier)
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer or Space Sciences Laboratory)
SSLM (Software System Lifecycle Management)
SSODL (ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad)
SSP (Storage Service Provider or System Support Program)
SSR (Solid-State Relay, Scalable Sample Rate, or Smart Switch Router)
SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol)
STD (Internet Standard or standard)
STDIN (standard input)
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
STFU (Shut The Fu** Up)
STL (STandard Library)
STL (stereolithography)
STM (Synchronous Transport Module)
STN (SuperTwisted Nematic)
STP (Spanning Tree Protocol, Shielded Twisted-Pair, or Software Test Plan)
STR (Suspend-To-RAM, string, Send To Receive, or strength)
STS (Synchronous Transport Signal)
Sub (subscript)
Subnet (subnetwork)
SUID (Set User ID)
Sup (superscript)
SURBL (Spam URI Real-Time Blocklist)
SUS (Single Unix Specification, Software Update Service, or suspicious)
SV (Starting Variable)
SVCD (Super Video CD)
SVG (Scalar Vector Graphic)
SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array)
S-Video (Super Video)
SVN (Subversion or Apache Subversion)
SVOD (Subscription Video on Demand)
SW (software or switch)
SWF (Small Web Format)
SXGA (Super eXtended Graphics Array)
SXGA+ (Super XGA Plus)
SXSW (South by Southwest)
SYLK (SYmbolic LinK)
SYN (synchronize)
sync (synchronize)
synth (synthesizer)
sysgen (system generation)
syslog (system log)
sysop (system operator)
sysrq (system request)

Digital illustration of a person's head to represent tech or technology.

T (teen, tera, Tuesday)
TA (terminal adapter)
Ta (Tantalum)
TACACS (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System)
TAPI (Telephony Application Programming Interface)
TAR (tape archive)
TB (terrabyte)
TBA (To Be Announced)
TBD (To Be Decided, To Be Determined)
TCG (Trusted Computing Group)
TCL (Transform, Clipping, and Lighting)
TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
TCPA (Trusted Computer Platform Alliance)
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
TD (Table Data)
TDD (Test-Driven Development or Telecommunications Device for the Deaf)
TDEA (Triple Data Encryption Algorithm)
TDM (Team DeathMatch)
TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
TDP (Thermal Design Power or Thermal Design Point)
Tech (technology)
Telco (telephone company)
Telco line (telecommunications line)
Temp (temporary or temperature)
TERA (The Exiled Realm of Arborea)
TET (Text Enhancement Technology)
Texel (texture element)
TF (TransFlash, tera-flop, TensorFlow, TorrentFreak, Team Fortress, or Titanfall)
TFS (Team Foundation Server or Three-Finger Salute)
TFT (Thin-Film Transistor)
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
TH (Table Head)
THD (Total Harmonic Distortion)
THX (thanks)
THz (terahertz)
TI (Tebi, Titanium, or Texas Instruments)
TiB (tebibyte)
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
TIGA (Texas Instruments Graphics Architecture)
Tk (toolkit)
TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol)
T&L (transform, clipping, and lighting)
TLA (Three-Letter Abbreviation or Three-Letter Acronym)
TLD (Top-Level Domain)
TLDR (Too Long; Didn't Read)
TLDW (Too Long; Didn't Watch)
TLP (Thread-Level Parallelism)
TLS (Transport Layer Security)
TM (trademark, trust me, Turning Machine)
TMI (Too Much Information)
TN (Twisted Nematic)
TOC (Table Of Contents)
TOF (Top Of File or Top Of Form)
TOPS (Transparent OPerating System)
Tor (The Onion Router)
TOS (Tape Operating System, Teacher Over Shoulder, Terms Of Service, or Type Of Service)
TOTD (Term Of The Day)
TOTP (Time-based One-time Password Algorithm)
TPB (The Pirate Bay)
TPI (Tracks Per Inch)
TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
TP-PMD (Twisted-Pair Physical Medium Dependent)
TPS (Third-Person Shooter)
TR (Table Row, Technical Report, or Turkey)
Transistor (transfer resistance)
Triple DEA (Tripple Data Encryption Algorithm)
TRS (Tandy Radio Shack, Telecommunications Relay Service, or tip, ring, sleeve)
TSA (Transportation Security Administration)
TSC (TimeStamp Counter)
TSM (Tivoli Storage Manager)
TSR (Terminate-and-Stay-Resident)
TSV (Tab-Separated Values)
TT (Turing Test)
TTFB (Time To First Byte)
TTL (Time To Live, Transistor-Transistor Logic, or Through-The-Lens)
TTOD (Tech Term Of the Day)
TTS (Text-To-Speech)
TTY (teletypewriter or teletype)
TTYL (Talk To You Later)
TV (television)
TW (Time Warner or Trigger Warning)
TxD (Transmit Data)
TYT (Take Your Time)
TYVM (Thank You Very Much)

Texas Instruments UART

U (Sunday, underline)
UA (user agent or user agreement)
UAC (User Account Control)
Uarch (microarchitecture)
UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter)
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
UBCD (Ultimate Boot CD)
UC (uppercase or uncacheable)
UCB (Unit Control Block)
UCC (User-Created Content)
UCE (Unsolicited Commercial E-mail)
UCS (Unified Change Management)
UDF (Universal Disk Format, user-defined font, or user-defined function)
UDID (Unique Device Identification)
UDIMM (Unbuffered Dual Inline Memory Module or Unregistered Dual Inline Memory Module)
UDMA (Ultra Direct Memory Access)
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
UDSL (Unidirectional DSL)
UE(Unreal Engine)
UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface)
UFS (Universal Flash Storage or Unix file system)
UGC (User-Generated Content)
UHCI (Universal Host Controller Interface)
UHD (Ultra High Definition)
UHDTV (Ultra High Definition)
UHS (Ultra High Speed)
UI (User Interface)
U/L (upload)
UL (upload, uplink, or Underwriters Laboratories)
UL (Unordered List)
ULSI (Ultra-Large-Scale Integration)
UMA (Upper Memory Area)
UMB (Upper Memory Block)
UMD (Universal Media Disc)
UMDF (User-Mode Driver Framework)
UMS (Universal Mass Storage)
UNC (Uniform Naming Convention or Universal Naming Convention)
UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)
UO (Ultima Online)
UPC (Universal Product Code)
UPI (Ultra Path Interconnect, User Programmatic Interface, or User Program Interface)
UPnP (Universal Plug and Play)
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply, United Parcel Service, Unique Selling Point, or Unique Selling Proposition)
URC (Uniform Resource Characteristics)
URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
URIBL (Uniform Resource Identifier Blacklist)
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
URN (Uniform Resource Name)
USB (Universal Serial Bus)
USMT (User State Migration Tool)
USP (Unique Selling Point)
USR (user, or U.S. Robotics)
USRT (Universal Synchronous Receiver-Transmitter)
USWC (Uncacheable, Speculative Write-Combining)
UT (Universal Time)
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
UTF (Unicode Transformation Format)
UTM (Unified Threat Management, universal Turing machine, Urchin Tracking Module)
UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
UUCP (Unix-to-Unix CoPy)
Uuencode (Unix-to-Unix encode)
UUI (Universal USB Installer)
UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier)
UV (ultraviolet)
UVEPROM (Ultraviolet Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory)
UW (Ultrix Workstation or you're welcome)
UWIN (University of Washington Information Navigator)
UWQHD (Ultra Wide Quad High Definition)
UX (User eXperience)
UXGA (Ultra eXtended Graphics Array)

VLC or VideoLAN client player

VA (Virtual Address or Virtual Assistant)
VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat)
VADSL (Very high bit rate Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
VAN (Value-Added Network)
VAR (Value-Added Reseller or Variable)
VAX (Virtual Address eXtension)
VB (Visual Basic)
VBR (Variable BitRate or Volume Boot Record)
VBScript (Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition)
VBV (Video Buffering Verifier)
VC (Venture Capital, VideoConferencing, Virtual Circuit, or Version Control)
VCD (Video Compact Disc)
VCEG (Video Coding Experts Group or Visual Coding Experts Group)
VCF (Virtual Contact File)
VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier)
VCID (Virtual Circuit Identifier)
VCPI (Virtual Control Program Interface)
VCR (Video Cassette Recorder)
VCS (Version Control System or Video Computer System)
VDC (Voltage Direct Current or Video Display Controller)
VDD (Virtual Device Driver, Virtual Disk Drive)
VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastrucuture, Virtual Disk Image, VirtualBox Disk Image, or Virtual Device Interface)
VDSL (Very high data rate DSL)
VDT (Video Display Terminal)
VDU (Visual Display Unit or Video Display Unit)
VEN (vendor)
Ver (Version)
Veronica (Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-wide Index to Computer Archives)
VESA (Video Electronics Standard Association)
VFAT (Virtual File Allocation Table)
VFP (Visual FoxPro)
VFW (Video for Windows)
VGA (Video Graphics Array or Video Graphics Adapter)
VHD (Virtual Hard Disk)
VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language)
VHF (Very High Frequency)
Vhost (virtual host)
VHS (Video Home System)
VID (Vendor ID)
VIM (Vendor Independent Messaging or Vi IMproved)
VIP (Very Important Person)
VIVO (Video In, Video Out)
VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network)
VLB (VESA Local Bus)
VL Bus (VESA Local Bus)
VLC (VideoLAN Client)
VLF (Very Low Frequency)
VLK (Volume License Key)
VLSI (Very-Large-Scale Integration)
VM (Virtual Machine, Virtual Memory, or voicemail)
VMEbus (Versa Module Eurocard bus)
VMM (Virtual Machine Manager or Virtual Machine Monitor)
VMS (Virtual Memory System or VoiceMail System)
VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
VOB (Video OBject)
VoD (Video on Demand)
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
VOM (Volt-Ohm Milliammeter)
VoMM (eVade o' Matic Module)
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
VPS (Virtual Private Server)
VR (Virtual Reality)
VRAM (Video Random-Access Memory)
VRC (Vertical Redundancy Check)
VRLA (Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid)
VRM (Voltage Regulator Module or Video RAM)
VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)
VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)
Vs (versus)
VS (Visual Studio)
VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method or Virtual Storage Access Memory)
VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)
VSB (Vestigial Side Band)
VSE (Virtual Storage Extended)
VST (Virtual Studio Technology)
VTML (Visual Tool Markup Language)
VTuber (Virtual YouTuber)
VxD (Virtual device Driver)

WWW in blue lettering.

W (Wednesday, width, or win)
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
W8 (Windows 8 or wait)
WA (WebAssembly)
WAIK (Windows Automated Installation Kit)
WAIS (Wide Area Information Server)
WAN (Wide Area Network)
WAOL (Windows America Online)
WAP (Wireless Application Protocol or wireless access point)
WARP (Warning, Advice and Reporting Point)
WAU (Weekly Active Users)
WBEM (Web-based Enterprise Management)
WBT (Web-Based Training)
WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)
WCE (World Computer Exchange)
WCN (Windows Connect Now)
WD (Western Digital, Working Directory, or Working Draft)
WDDM (Windows Display Driver Model)
WDDVM (Windows Display Driver Model)
WDF (Window Driver Foundation or Windows Driver Frameworks)
WDK (Windows Driver Kit)
WDM (Windows Driver Model or Wavelength Division Multiplexing)
WEA (Wireless Emergency Alerts)
Web (World Wide Web)
Web app (web application)
WEI (Windows Experience Index)
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
WFH (Work From Home)
WFM (Wired For Management or Wait for Me)
WFP (Windows File Protection)
WFS (Windows Fax and Scan)
WFW (Windows for Workgroups)
WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage)
WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs)
Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)
WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer)
Win3x (Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1, and 3.11)
Win9x (Windows 95 or Windows 98)
Windows PE (Windows Pre-install Environment)
WINE (WINE is not an emulator)
WinNT (Windows NT)
WINS (Windows Internet Name Service)
Winsock (Windows socket)
WIP(Work In Progress)
WISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider)
WK (Windows Key)
WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)
WMA (Windows Media Audio)
WMF (Windows metafile format or Wikimedia Foundation)
WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)
WMIC (WMI console)
WMIRL (Want to Meet In Real Life or Wanna Meet In Real Life)
WML (Wireless Markup Language or Website Meta Language)
WMM (Microsoft Windows Movie Maker)
WMP (Windows Media Player)
WMV (Windows Media Video)
WMZ (compressed Windows metafile)
WOL (Wake-on-LAN)
WORM (write once read many)
WOT (Web of Trust)
WOTD (Word Of The Day)
WOW (Windows on Windows)
WoW (World of Warcraft)
WP (Way Point, Well Played, Word Processor, or WordPress)
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
WPAD (Web Proxy Auto Discovery)
WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network)
Wpcomp (write pre-comp or word processing competency)
WPM (Words Per Minute)
WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)
WQHD (Wide Quad High Definition)
WQXGA (Wide Quad Extended Graphics Array)
WRAM (Windows RAM)
WRU (who are you or where are you)
WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
WSP (what's up)
WSUS (Windows Server Update Services)
WSXGA (Widescreen Super eXtended Graphics Array)
WTB (Willing To Buy or Want To Buy)
WTF (What The Fu**)
WTG (Way To Go)
WTH (What The Hell)
WTS (Willing To Sell or Want To Sell)
WTT (Willing To Trade)
WUF (where are you from)
WUXGA (Wide Ultra eXtended Graphics Array)
WWAN (Wireless Wide Area Network)
WWDC (Worldwide Developer Conference)
WWW (World Wide Web)
WXGA (Wide eXtended Graphics Array)
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
WYSIWYP (What You See Is What You Print)

XML icon

X (kiss, variable, X Window System)
X11 (X Window System)
XBMC (Xbox Media Center)
XDDM (Windows 2000 Display Driver Model)
XDF (eXtended Density Format)
XDF (eXtended density Format)
XFR (eXtended Frequency Range)
XGA (eXtended Graphics Array)
XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language)
XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
XMPP (eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol)
XMS (eXtended Memory Specification)
XMT (transmit)
XNA (XNA's Not Acronymed)
XNS (Xerox Network Services)
XOR (eXclusive OR)
XOXO (eXtensible Open XHTML Outlines)
XP (experience)
XPAC (eXpansion PACk)
XPM (XP mode)
XPS (XML Paper Specification or eXtreme Performance System)
XR (Extended Reality)
XSF (XMPP Standards Foundation)
XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language)
XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations)
XSS (cross-site scripting)
XT (eXtended Technology)

YOLO spelled out on four different colored pieces of paper.

Y (yocto or yotta)
Y2K (yotaear 2000)
YACC (Yet Another Compiler-Compiler)
YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language)
YAUN (Yet Another Unix Nerd)
YB (yottabyte)
YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary)
YMYL (Your Money or Your Life)
YOLO (You Only Live Once)
YPP (YouTube Partner Program)
YT (You There or YouTube)
YW (You're Welcome)

Intel 80486 processor and OverDrive ZIF socket

Z (zetta or zepto)
ZAK (Zero Administration Kit)
ZB (zettabyte)
ZBR (zone bit recording)
ZCS (Zimbra Collaboration Suite)
ZERT (Zeroday Emergency Response Team)
ZFS (Zettabyte File System)
ZiB (zebibyte)
ZIF (Zero Insertion Force)
ZIP (Zone Information Protocol or Zoning Improvement Plan)
ZIPI (Zeta Instruments Processor Interface)
ZV (Zoomed Video)

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