
Updated: 02/06/2025 by Computer Hope

Boosting may refer to any of the following:

1. Generally, boosting a computer refers to increasing its performance, usually by upgrading its hardware. Common ways to boost a computer include:

2. The term "boost" may also refer to Intel Turbo Boost technology. Intel Turbo Boost can temporarily increase the frequency of a CPU when the demands of a task rise above a certain threshold. This boost improves performance when demanding tasks like data processing, gaming, and video editing are performed. Intel Turbo Boost is available on Intel Core i5, Core i7, Core i9, and Xeon families of processors. For instance, the Intel i9-7890XE processor has a base frequency of 2.60 GHz. However, when a demanding task runs, the CPU frequency may increase to 4.20 GHz.

3. In competitive video gaming and e-sports, boosting or level boosting is the unethical practice of artificially inflating the competitive rank of a low-ranked player. Boosting is often performed by a higher-ranked player who agrees to play on a lower-ranked account to join the lower-ranked player's team in exchange for an RMT (Real Money Trade). This type of boosting is against the terms of service of most video games and may result in a temporary or permanent ban.

Other forms of boosting include duo boosting, where a high-ranked player(s) teams up with a lower-ranked player when competing in ranked gameplay. Cheaters may also participate in win trading, where players on the other team intentionally lose the match to help others rank up quicker.

The adjective "boosted" may also be used as an insult, implying that a player does not have the requisite skill for their matchmaking rank. For example, after failing to execute a play, a player might say, "Wow. I am so boosted."

Person holding binoculars up to their eyes

4. In video games, boosting may refer to one player jumping on top of another to look or jump over tall objects or high terrain. For example, in an FPS (First-Person Shooter) like Counter-Strike, players may boost jump another player to a normally inaccessible rooftop to give them an unfair advantage.

Depending on the game, this may be considered cheating or merely a clever manipulation of the game's physics and level design.

5. In an MMORPG (Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), boosting describes paying for a service that allows the player to advance faster in a game. For example, a player may join an MMORPG late and want to skip all the old content to get to the new content their friends are playing. By purchasing boosting abilities, the player can level faster and skip content. Although most MMORPGs allow boosting, some players don't like boosted players because it's pay to win, skips the story, and skips steps needed to know how to play. Others argue boosting is part of the game and not against the rules and that players can spend their money and time how they decide works best for them.

6. Boost, boosted, or boosting is criminal slang describing stealing or shoplifting. A person who shoplifts is sometimes called a "booster."

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