Cell phone

Updated: 10/01/2023 by Computer Hope
Nokia cell phone

Alternatively called a cell, cellular, and cellular phone, a cell phone (sometimes abbreviated as cp) is a mobile or portable phone. It lets users communicate almost anywhere in the world. The cell phone was invented by Dr. Martin Cooper and his team of developers at Motorola. The first cell phone weighed 2.4-pounds and was 9-inches long. Dr. Cooper also made the first cell phone call at Motorola on April 3, 1973.

Evolution of the cell phone

As shown below, the cell phone has changed drastically from when the original cell phone (aka bricks) was released. Below is a picture of a very early cell phone, the more modern Nokia 6010 cell phone in the center, and the more modern iPhone. New cell phones are much lighter than the old brick cell phones, smaller, and have large screens to display contacts and phone settings.

Evolution of cell phones from old brick phone, to nokia phone, to Apple iPhone.

Cell phone capabilities

Today, cell phones are called smartphones and capable of doing almost anything a computer can do. Below are a few examples of what new cell phones' capabilites.

  • Take and make calls to any other person with a phone.
  • Send and receive text messages.
  • Take, view, and store pictures and videos using a built-in camera.
  • Access the Internet, e-mail, chat, and download apps for the phone.
  • Play games and access common programs, such as a calculator, contacts, calendar, clock, to-do list, etc.
  • Remotely control other devices connected to the Internet or connected via Bluetooth.
  • Store and run files.
  • Play music and watch movies.

Cellco, Computer abbreviations, Feature phone, Memory card, MNO, Phone terms, Smartphone, Telephone