
Updated: 10/11/2021 by Computer Hope
Fear of computers

Cyberphobia refers to the fear or rejection of computers, the Internet, and other related technology. Several factors can contribute to cyberphobia, including the prospect that many jobs will be replaced by automated systems. A general lack of knowledge regarding computers can also influence this fear.

When old methods of completing tasks are digitized, it can be difficult for those unfamiliar with computers to transition. This fear, however, is irrational. While computers do come with some disadvantages, there are also many advantages. Having a surface-level knowledge of today's technology is a major benefit.

To help quell any cyberphobia in your life, try reading more about computers and learning from experience. While not everyone enjoys technology to the extent that we at Computer Hope do, there's no denying that familiarizing yourself with computer concepts is becoming necessary in today's world. The Related information section below contains links that are helpful for computer beginners. To learn more about computers, click the following links to get started.

Document, Electronics terms, Internet terms, Portmanteau