Updated: 05/06/2024 by Computer Hope

In general, a portmanteau is a word created by combining two existing words. In the computer and electronics industry, portmanteaus are everywhere. Since things are constantly evolving and being replaced by technology-driven alternatives, portmanteaus help consumers understand new products and ideas easier with familiar concepts.
Examples of computer portmanteaus
- Alphanumeric - A portmanteau of alphabetic and numeric.
- Attagging - A portmanteau of attack and tagging.
- Bitmoji - A portmanteau of bit and emoji.
- Cryptocurrency - A portmanteau of cryptography and currency.
- Deepfake - A portmanteau of deep learning and fake.
- E-mail - A portmanteau of electronic and mail.
- Emoticon - A portmanteau of emotion and icon.
- Finsta - A portmanteau of the words fake and Instagram.
- Freemium - A portmanteau of free and premium.
- Freeware - A portmanteau of free and software.
- GameFi - A portmanteau of game and decentralized finance.
- Hackintosh - A portmanteau of hack and Macintosh.
- Hacktivism - A portmanteau of hack and activism.
- Infotainment - A portmanteau of information and entertainment.
- Malware - A portmanteau of malicious and software.
- Malvertisement - A portmanteau of malware and advertisement.
- Modem - A portmanteau of modulator and demodulator.
- Netiquette - A portmanteau of Internet and etiquette.
- Netizen - A portmanteau of Internet and citizen.
- Phablet - A portmanteau of phone and tablet.
- Pixel - A portmanteau of picture and element.
- Podcast - A portmanteau of iPod and broadcast.
- Policeware - A portmanteau of police and software.
- Rijndael - A portmanteau or the names Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen.
- Screenshot - A portmanteau of screen and snapshot.
- Technologist - A portmanteau of technology and specialist.
- Telemedicine - A portmanteau of telecommunications and medicine.
- Webinar - A portmanteau of web and seminar.
- Webisode - A portmanteau of web and episode.
- Widget - A portmanteau of window and gadget.
- WiFi - A portmanteau of wireless and fidelity.