Short for Entertainment Software Rating Board, ESRB is a rating system that helps enable parents and others choose games that are most appropriate for their children. The picture whos the Sims 3 expansion pack "Ambitions" and an example of the ESRB TEEN rating on the box.
Listing of ESRB ratings
The following sections list the ESRB rating symbols, and a description for each.
EC Rating
Short for "early childhood," EC games are best fit for children under the age of 3.
E Rating
Short for "everyone," E games are games that are good for people of all ages.
E10+ Rating
Short for "Ages 10 and up," E10+ are games that may contain mild violence, mild language, and suggestive themes.
T Rating
Short for "teen," T games are games that are best for anyone over the age of 13.
M Rating
Short for "mature," M games are best for anyone over the age of 17.
AO Rating
Short for "adults only," AO games are games that are best for anyone over the age of 18.
RP Rating
Short for "rating pending," RP is games with a rating that is still under investigation. If the game is likely to be mature, the ESRB RP rating may include "Likely mature 17+."
Computer abbreviations, E, EC, ESA, Game terms, M, PEGI, Rating, RP, RSAC, Software, Software terms, T