
Updated: 02/04/2024 by Computer Hope

Gear can refer to any of the following:

Example of gear icons used in software.

1. A gear is a toothed wheel that works with others (or a chain) to control the speed of a driving mechanism. For example, a bicycle may have several gears that change how much a pedal's rotational distance affects the speed that the bike's tires turn. With the GUI (Graphical User Interface) of computers and electronics, a gear icon indicates the settings for the program. The image shows examples of different gear icons used in various programs.


When describing a color code, we define #C0C6C7 as gear steel gray.

2. With products like a smartphone or a smartwatch from Samsung, gear is short for Samsung Gear.

3. With computer games, gear describes the clothing or weapons a user's character wears in a game. For example, as you play a game, you may find equipable items with better stats that allow you to survive longer or give you special abilities.

Computer abbreviations, Game terms, Gearhead, Hardware terms, Loot, Mechanical, Settings