
Updated: 12/31/2022 by Computer Hope

Hi may refer to any of the following:

1. As an abbreviation, HI is short for "Human Intelligence" opposed to AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Hi in multiple colored speech bubbles.

2. Hi is a short way of saying hello or otherwise greeting a person online, in chat, or in real life. Below is an example of how this could be used in chat.

User1: hi
User2: Hi
User1: How are you today?
User2: Good thanks. :)

Different ways of saying hi

Below is a short list of other greetings commonly used in chat and similar greetings in non-English languages.

Buenas (Spanish).
ciao (Italian).
davs (Danish).
Ello (English - slang).
Greetings (English).
hall dr (Swedish).
hallo (Dutch and German).
hej (Swedish).
hoi (Dutch).
hj (Danish).
hov (Danish).
hallj (Danish).
Hello (English).
Hey (English).
Hi (English).
Howdy (English).
Hola (Spanish).
Здравствуй (Russian).
Oi (Portuguese).
Salut (French).
Salutations (English).
Salute (French).
Sup (English slang).
Wazup (English slang)
Wasup (English slang).
Γεια (Greek).
Yo (English).
مرحبا (Arabic).
היי (Hebrew).
你好 (Simplified Chinese).
こんにちは (Japanese).
안녕하세요 (Korean).

Artificial intelligence terms, Chat terms, Ciao, Computer abbreviations, Hello World, HELO, Salutation, WSP