Hit may refer to any of the following:
1. With the Internet, a hit refers to each request made by a client to a server. For example, if someone visits a page with four images, there are five hits. One for the HTML (HyperText Markup Language) text and one for each image loaded. Hits help detect abnormal traffic behavior, determine what areas visitors enjoy most, and set price points for Internet advertising.
A hit is the server's load counts, not its unique visits, a page view.
2. With Mechanical Turk, HIT is short for Human Intelligence Task. It is a trivial task for most humans to complete but difficult or impossible to automate with a computer. These tasks could be identifying colors in an image, finding keywords in a sentence, comparing text, or completing a survey. Because of the difficulty level, these tasks do not pay a lot but can quickly be completed and be a source of supplemental income.
3. With computer gaming, a hit describes any damage you or another character take in a game. The amount of life your character has is determined by its total HP (Hit Points). For example, if your character has 100 HP, it could take a 10-point hit ten times before dying (10 * 10 = 100).
Advertise, Cache hit, Computer abbreviations, Game terms, Hit points, Internet Terms, SEO terms, TLA