
Updated: 09/19/2024 by Computer Hope

Like may refer to any of the following:

Thumbs up for a like drawn with a computer mouse wire.

1. With social networking, videos, forums, and other online content, a like is a method a visitor has to indicate they enjoyed certain content. Once the like button is clicked, the number of likes is increased by one. The number of likes helps the content creator understand what content people enjoy, and help users find the content that is most liked by others. The company managing likes can use the likes as a web beacon to better understand their visitors' interests and show them ads they're more likely to click.


A like button may be called something else (e.g., +1, karma, or an upvote). It may also be represented as a star, thumbs up, heart, or up arrow.

What is likejacking?

The term likejacking describe the malicious action of stealing someone else's likes. For example, someone may create a fake page or hijack another page and make the like buttons perform a like for something else.

2. With SQL (Structured Query Language), the LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to find a string using a certain description or pattern. Most SQL queries using the LIKE operator also utilize wildcards. For example, the query below uses LIKE operator and the % wildcard character to find any string ending with the "s" letter.


Boomerbait, Database terms, Follower, Poke, Share, Upvote