Updated: 12/20/2024 by Computer Hope
Shorthand for Not Safe For Work, NSFW is content that is not safe to view in a work environment. For example, adult content, games, movies, or other content that is against most company policies is considered not safe for work.
Variations of NSFW
Below are other variations of NSFW to help classify the type of content even further.
- LSFW - less safe for work.
- NSFL - not safe for life. For example, something disturbing or gory.
- NSFTW - not safe for this world. Similar content to NSFL.
- PNFO - probably not for the office.
- PNSFW - probably not safe for work.
- TSWF - technically safe for work.
Blacklisting, Chat terms, Computer abbreviations, Computer slang, Parental controls, PAW, Pr0n, Safe, SafeSearch, Sensitive content, SFW, TW