Computer file extensions - N

Updated: 07/13/2023 by Computer Hope

Below is a listing of each of the different file extensions that begin with the letter "N." If you are looking for a file extension that starts with a different letter, click the corresponding beginning letter below.

.N64 Nintendo 64 emulator ROM (Read-Only Memory) image.
.NA2 Netscape Communicator address book.
.NAB Novell Groupwise address book.
.NAP Napster Music security definition file.
.NDF NeoPlanet browser file.
.NDS Nintendo DS dumped game ROM file.
.NDX Indexed file for most databases.
.NEF Digital camera RAW file format.
.NES Nintendo Entertainment system ROM image.
.NETA Netica Bayesian network text file (opens with netica.exe).
.NFO Information file.
.NIL Norton guide online documentation.
.NGF Enterasys Networks NetSight file.
.NGG Nokia and LogoManager file.
.NHF Nero HFS-CD compilation or a general Nero file.
.NIL Norton icon library file.
.NLB Oracle 7 data file.
.NLD ATI Radeon video drivers file.
.NLM 1. Nokia file.
2. LogoManager file.
.NMI SwordSearcher file.
.NOL 1. Nokia file.
2. LogoManager file.
.NON LucasArts Star Wars Tie Fighter mouse options file.
.NOW Extension commonly used for readme text files.
.NRA Nero audio CD (Compact Disc) file.
.NRB Nero CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read-Only Memory) boot file.
.NRG Nero image files.
.NS2 Lotus Notes 2 database.
.NS5 Lotus Notes Domino file.
.NSO NetStudio easy web graphics file.
.NT Windows NT startup file.
.NUM File used with some software developers to store technical support numbers or other phone numbers. The file should be readable from MS-DOS and Windows.
.NZB Usenet file.